


Chronicle of Christian van Gheren, secretary of the Bergen merchants in Lübeck, which mentions among others the royal permission to sail to Iceland in 1468, and riots in Hamburg because of the trade with Iceland in 1483.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.

Lübeck, Stadtbibliothek Lübeck

Ms. Lub. 109, ff. 131-139

Low German

Contained in the account book of the Association of Bergen merchants (Bergenfahrerschütting) in Lübeck. For Christian van Gheren and his chronicle see Friedrich Bruns, Die Lübecker Bergenfahrer und ihre Chronistik (Berlin 1900), pp. 307–337.

Facsimile not (yet) available

Friedrich Bruns, Die Lübecker Bergenfahrer und ihre Chronistik (Berlin 1900), pp. 348-381 (complete)
Hanserecesse II, 6, p. 69 n. 3 (1468); III, 1, p. 348 n. 6 (1483; only the parts transcribed below)
Diplomatarium Islandicum 16:220 (1468); 11:31 (1483; after Hanserecesse)


Anno 1468 gaff de koningk orloff, dat de copman in Ysland muchte segelen, dat dem copmanne quam to groten schaden in 4 jaren baven 5000 mark Lubesch.1



An deme avende der hemmelvart Christi2 was uplop sorchvoldich to Hamborg, de meenheyt jegen den rat. Eyn borgermester, her Nicolaus de Swaren, wart geslagen unde wundet 2 wunden in sin hovet, quam bynnen Lubeck; de anderen weren in groter varlicheyt lyves unde gudes. Dar ni upsettede de menheyt to vorsegelende van deme rade 42 puncte etc. Dyt sakede de Iszlandessche reyse, egen nut unde de dure tiid; dat karne wart upgekofft, hemeliken dorgesteken unde in Hollant ghevurt. Hir umme worden 3 koppet, alse Hinrik vamme Lo, der mente hovetman, Reppe unde3


Copied from Hanserecesse