
1550, March 20


King Christian III of Denmark to Copenhagen: explains how he has answered Hamburg in reaction to their complaints, that they are not allowed to stay in winter in Iceland, and that if they want to leave their commodities there, they can let it be guarded by Icelanders.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.


Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet

Danske Kancelli, Tegnelser over alle Lande (1545-1571), III, ff. 142r-143r.





Available on Arkivalieronline.


Hamburg, Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg

111-1, vol. 2

One bifolio.



Modern foliation in pencil, 126,128.

Low German

Facsimile not (yet) available

Københavns Diplomatarium 4:515
Danske Magazin IV, 5, pp. 194-195
Diplomatarium Islandicum 11:646 (all editions of K)

Danish original

Til borgemester och raadmennd wti Kiøpnehaffnn.

Christiann etc. Wor gunst tilfornn. Viider att vore foruanthe the Lybeske oc wore wndersotthe aff Hamborg haffue hafftt theris fulmegtige her hoes oss oc thenom beclage, huorledis att theris borgere som besøge wort land Island giiøris hinder oc icke maa thenom tilstedis att holle theris thiennere hoes theris godz wtj wintherlaug paa forscreffne Island oc ther fore skal werre thenom skedtt wrett, att theris thiennere ere grebne oc fangne oc theris godz wtj thet neste forgangne aar borttaget, oc begierer att sligt motthe afstyllis. Sameledis haffue the beclaget, att the icke heller mue holle baade ther for landett oc bedriiffue theris fiiskerj oc dog skal were then menige mand til beste. Tha haffue wij giiffuett thenom saa for suar, att wij haffue forfarett, att lang tid sidenn forleden er ther gangen enn dom, att ingen fremed kømmend skulle haffue theris suenne paa Islannd wtj wintherloug, dog att thet er tilladett, att the mue haffue theris godz indlaugd hoes wore wndersotthe the Islender, ther fore kunde wij icke samtycke nogenn fremed kiøbmand att holle nogenn wintherlaug paa Island ydermere end samme dom wduiser. Sameledis wille wij icke heller samtycke thennom att holle nogenn baade ther for Islandt, føre end wij komme ydermere i forfaring ther om, huad heller thet er wore wnndersotthe eller ey. Oc haffue wii ladhet giiffue thenom tilkende, att for oss haffuer werit beclagett, huorledis att the baste oc binde wore wnndersotthe oc andre oc enn partt føre aff landett mett thenom oc tiltage thenom mere rett, end thenom bør, oc therfore tilsaugdtt thennom, att the skulle thet haffue wdij fordraug, ther som nogen wore wndersothe eller andre forbriide seg ther paa fiiskeleyernne, som the bruge theris handthering, oc wor fogit tha icke tilstede er, tha mue the then hindre, til wor fogit komer oc then tha strags att andtuorde hannom. Thi bede wij etther oc wille, atj lade tilsige fogederne paa Island, att the hielpe thenom saa megit som loug oc rett er, oc tesligeste lader tilsige wore wndersotthe, att huilcke aff thenom, som then fremed kiøbmannd legger sit godz hoes, att the handle ther troligen met. Dog skulle the icke lade affmercke theris fiisk, som her til skeedtt er. Oc eptherthij altingest er thennom nu saa clarligenn wnderuist, tha see wij for godt ann, atj paa thenne tiid giffue thennom theris godz igenn, som thennom i thette forgangne aar frantagen er. Her kunde i wide etther epther att retthe. Beffallendis etther Gud. Datum Flensborg torsdagen nest epther søndagen letare aar etc. mdl wnnder wortt signete.

Transcript of K copied from Københavns Diplomatarium.