
1565, March 16


King Frederick II of Denmark permits his sulfur refiner Gert Bomhofer to trade with the harbours Patresfiord, Billingerwoge, and Tolkefiord in the Westfjords of Iceland, on the condition that he will not trade with sulfur, trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.

Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet

Danske Kancelli, Registre over alle Lande 8, f. 547v.

Diplomatarium Islandicum 14:250 (after a transcript by Jón Sigurðsson, JS 493 4to)

Gert Bomhoffuer fick kon. matts breff att motte lade beseigle tre haffner paa Island. saa liudendis.

Giøre alle wittherligt. att wij aff wor synderlig gunst oc naade. saa oc for troskaff oc willig thieniste. som wor suouell luterer. oss elskelige Gert Bomhoffuer oc her til giort oc beuist haffuer oc her effther troligen giøre oc beuise maa oc skall. haffue vndt och tilladt oc mett thette wort obne breff vnde oc tillade. att forschreffne Gert Bomhoffuer maa aarligen. emeden oc ald thend stund. hand lader sig bruge vdj wor thieniste. forr en suouell lutthrer. lade beseigle tre wore oc kronens haffner wdj Westfiordunger for westen paa wort land Island. thend første kaldis Patresfiord. thend anden Bøllingiswoge. oc thend thredie Tolckefiord. oc met wore vndersotte ther same stedz handle oc wandle oc indkiøbe. hues ware ther falder. dog saa att hand aarligen till gode rede skall vdgiffue till oss oc kronen. hues told oc anden rett oc rettighed. som oss mett rette tilkommer. Skall hand oc ingen suouell kiøbe eller vdføre. men wij wille oss thend forbeholdet haffue. Sameledis skall hand tilbiude oss hues trauen hand inkiøbendis worder førre hand thend till andre affhender. oc ther som wij ther aff noget behøffue. tha skall hand thend selge oss for itt skielligt werd. Skall hand oc were forplicht forschreffne wore vndersotte paa wort land Island att lade tilføre gode wforfalskede ware. saa oc the ware. soni vndersottene nøttige oc gaffnlige ere. och thennom thett for itt skielligt oc billigt kiøb selge och affhende. Thisligiste skall hand lade bruge rett maade oc wegt oc i alle maade sig forholde. saa att ingen klage kommer offuer hannom. Cum inhibitione solita. Datum Byringe thend 16. dag Martij aar etc. 1565.

Transcript copied from Diplomatarium Islandicum