
[1520, July]

Complaints of the Hanseatic Kontor in London, among others about Hamburg skipper Cordt Frowdendaell, who was on his way with stockfish from Iceland back to Hamburg, when his ship was attacked by English, who killed and wounded many of the crew, threw Frowdendaell overboard and took the ship to Newcastle.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.

Cologne, Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln

Booklet of 4 bifolios

Titled in a later hand: Gravamina emporii Londinensis utque apparet anno 1517 exhibita in conventu.

Facsimile not (yet) available

Diplomatarium Islandicum 11:73 (partial transcription, only the third part of the letter)

German summary and partial transcript in Hanserecesse III, 7, no. 340, thereof an excerpt of part c in Icelandic in Diplomatarium Islandicum 16:250.


Item ock vorder geboert am jare xvc xiiij eyn schypper van Hamburg Cordt Frowdendaell komende myt synem schepe vth Jsslandt myt stockfisschke geladenn alszo vp Hamburg to segellenn. was mætenn myt Erlyken Engelschenn schepenn tom Orloge vthgeferdyget gebadenn gemelten Cordt strikenn jn name des here Ko. vann Engellandt vnde wan de schypper nae willenn der Engelschenn nycht strikenn konde hebben de Engelschenn dat schyp vp vryem strome angeferdyget vnde jnt schyp geschatenn sunder gnadenn vnde vele der coepluden vnde des volckes gewunndet vnde vormordet vnde doetgeschlagenn töme laestenn den schypperrenn tor doet gewundet leuendych auer borth geworpenn vnde jdt schyp myt den guderrenn vnde gewundendem wolcke jn Newcastel hauen gebracht de guder dar vth gespolyeret vnde berouet nae erenn volgewalle to grotem vndrechlikenn schadenn der coplude vnde rederren gemeltenn schepes.1

Transcript copied from Diplomatarium Islandicum