
[1521, September 25]


Answer of the Hanseatic representatives to the English complaints during negotiations in Bruges in 1521.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.


Cologne, Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln

Best. 82 Hanse II, A 10I, ff. 22v-32

Booklet of 86 folios

Written in one hand, of Dr. Jodocus Wilpurg von Erbach, according to a note on f. 86v: Nota, doctor Jodocus facit in hoc recessu mencionem, se omnia frivola, scolastica, sophistica et plane inania argumenta et citatas ab Anglis leges et canones certis, firmis et verissimis racionibus refutasse et ea argumenta subnotasse, quae tameo in hoc libro non habentur. Marginal notes in another hand.

Titled on f. 1: Tractatus et recessus inter oratores anze et regem Anglie Brugis anno millesimo quingentesimo vicesimo primo habitus and above: Recessus iste jungendus est recessui precedenti anno 1521 habito.

Digitales Historisches Archiv Köln


Cologne, Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln

Booklet of 52 folios, ff. 19v-26v

Hand of Jodocus von Erpach

Facsimile not (yet) available


Cologne, Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln

Best. 84 Hanse IV (B), A 103 Acta Anglicana

Booklet of 6 folios

Draft of Jodocus von Erpach, many corrections


Digitales Historisches Archiv Köln


Cologne, Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln

6 folios

Draft of Jodocus von Erpach, many corrections


On top of f. 1: Rejectum est, nec exhibitum.

Facsimile not (yet) available


Kampen, Stadsarchief Kampen

Oud Archief Kampen, 2124: Register van privileges en tractaten, betreffende de handel van de Duitse Hanze op Engeland, 1237 - 1553, opgemaakt c. 1560, f. 84v.

Copy of K.

Facsimile not (yet) available

Georg Schanz, Englische Handelspolitik gegen Ende des Mittelalters mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Zeitalters der beiden ersten Tudors Heinrich VII. und Heinrich VIII., Bd. II (Leipzig 1881), no. 101, p. 459ff. (after K2)
Hanserecesse III, 7, no. 456
Diplomatarium Islandicum 11:78 (only the parts referring to Iceland)

Version 1

Responsiones nostre.1


15. Ad 14. articulum: Item cum ad insulam Iszlandie etc. juncto sequenti articulo respondent ut ad precedentem et quod Hamburgenses et ipsi utrumque illorum negant cum illatione sua.

Transcript of K, K1, K2, Ka, taken from Hanserecesse (only the paragraph referring to Iceland).

Version 2

14. Et eodem modo etiam respondent ad articulum sequentem de Hamburgensibus loquentem, necnon ad articulum decimum quintum, quos duos articulos Hamburgenses omnino negant et veros esse diffitentur.

Transcript of K3, copied from Hanserecesse (only the paragraph referring to Iceland)