
1523, February 22


King Christian II of Denmark to Iceland: proclaims that no foreigners - German or English - are allowed to trade in Iceland before they have paid an annual toll of 20 guilders.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.



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Finni Johannaei Historia ecclesiastica Islandiae II, pp. 258-259
Ketilson, Kongelige Forordninger og Aabne Breve I, p. 174

Christiern met Gudz nade Danmarkis Norgis Sverrigis Vendis Gothis Konning, Hertug udi Slessvig Holsten Stormaren oc Dytmersken, Grefve i Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst, helse Ether alle oss Elskelige Bisper, Prelater, Abbether, Prester, Knaber, Bonder oc menige Almue, som bygge oc boe paa vort oc Norgis krones land Isslandt kierligen met Gud oc Sancte Oluff Konning. vii bete og biude Ether alle og hver serdelis at her efter ingen købslae met nogen útlendske, enthen tyske, Eingelske, eller andre, forend thee hafve gifvet oc fornoget vor Embits mand ther paa landet 20. gylden paa vore vegne then told og Rethighed, som thee oss aarligen pleige oc plichtige ere at gifve, oc naar thee svoddan told udtgiffvet oc til gode reede fornoget haffve, thaa mue i siden kope oc selge met them ubehindret, her retter Ether altinges effter oc lather that ingenlunde. Gifvet paa vort Slot Kopenhafvn Sonsdagen invocavit, Aaret 1523.

Transcript copied from Ketilson