
1531, December 4


King Frederick I of Denmark announces that two years earlier, Thomes Koppen from Hamburg has appeared before him together with Joachim Wlweffuer, as both men will share the enfeoffment that Koppen has for the Faroes.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.

Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet

Danske Kancelli, Frederik 1.s Norske Registre, ff. 43v-44r




Norwegian summary in Norske Rigs-Registranter, copied with Faroese summary in Evensen, Savn til Føroyinga sögu no. 30.

Thomes Koppenn borger vti Hamborig etc.

Wii Frederich etc. bider alle viiterligt att nu wid two aar siden forledenn vor for oss schickett oss elske(lige) Thomes Koppenn borger wti vor stad Hamborgh oc haffde mett seg oss elske(lige) Joachim Wlweffuer borger then sammen stede oc tha fore oss weluilligen met syn egen frii wilge wplod forn(efnd)e Joachim Wlweffuer holffdiellen aff all oc vdi all then benading friihed och forschriffuing som vii hannom wndt giffuit bebreffuit och besegelt haffde paa vortt land Ferøø saa att Joachim Wlweffuer skulle haffue nyde bruge oc beholle forn(efnd)e vortt land Ferøø mett all sinen friihed kong(elig)e rentthe nytte wpkomsth oc rettigh(ed) wdi lige maade mett hannom ßaa att thed skulle were thennom begge till lige diellingh effther som forbeneffuiede Thomes Køppenn thed aff oss friigest mett all sine rentte oc rett[ighed] forlentth bebreffuit oc forpegteth er, till huilkett vii tha gaffue vor beuilling wnsentth fuldbiudh oc samptyck thii haffue vii aff vor sønnerlige gunst och naade vndt oc tilladitt oc nu mett thette vortt opne breff vnde oc tillade att forbeneffiunde oss elsk(elige) Joachim Wlweffuer maa oc skall nyde bruge oc beholle forn(efnd)e vortt och Norges krones landh Ferøø mett all sinen vlligelße kong(elig)e rentte rettighed nytte oc vpkomst vdi lige nytte oc dielingh mett forschreffne Thomes Koppenn vdi alle maade efft[er] som Thomes Koppen thed friest oc best aff oss vti forleningh oc were haffuer effther wore breffs lydelße wii hannom ther paa naadeligenn vnndt oc giffuit haffue (contra) inhibitionem Datum Gottorpp mandagenn nest effther sancti Andree apostoli dagh aar etc. MDXXXI.

Transcript by Bart Holterman, 2018