Be it kind to all men be this present writ me Thomas Gahal [rectius Hakat], burges of Dysart and air to my broder maister Robert Gahal [rectius Hakat], wiccar of Northmavey, quhom God assolzie, to hayf sald, analeit and put away, and be this present writ sellis, analeis and puttis away to my weyll belowit frende Lawrans Hyll, his broder and sistis, v mark land lyand in Gloss in Northmawey, ane ilk mark [sic], the quhylk land my sayd broder maister Robert, quhom God assolzie, bocht fra twa bredir callit Magnus and Thomas, sonis to umquhyll psewartwall [sic] in Gloss, yr [rectius the] quhylk land the sayd Magnus and Thomas profferit to the nairast of thair stok and thai rafusit it, and swa the sayd maister Robert bocht it and pait for it, and falling to me now in airephypt [rectius airshyp?] be the deceiss of my sayd broder, with howss, harbry, toftis, thownmollis and with all commoditeis wtelyteis and proffeitts that belangs or may belang to the sayd v mark land, fra the heast of the hyll to the lawast of the ebb, within the dyks and withowt, that bett[er] is to hayf nor want, alsweyll on nemit as nemit, and I the sayd Thomas grantis me weyll content and pait of the fyrst pene and the last and all remenas of the bying of the sayd land for it is weill pait to Bremarr and other[s] in my brodirs dettis, and quhyttcl[emis] and dyschargs the sayd Lawrans, his broder and systis, thair ayris, executors, assignais of the sayd payment for me, my airis, exsecutoris and assignais and all otheris, the sayd land, with king [rectius eing] and owthwell, wteleteis and profeitts as is aboin exponeit, to be coft and browkit be the sayd Lawrans, his broder and sistis, thair airis, executors and assignais fre fra me, my airis, executors and assignais or eftercomaris quhat somewer, perpetually without ony molestacyon, trubbyll or gayncall.
In witness heirof I haiff set my mark, gayfand the strengt of my seill to this right and charter, and has procurit [with] instans the seillis of the worthy men or thair writting, that is to say Andro Tullacht, fold of Northmavey, Wylyem Wylyemson of Bustay, fold of Dayllthyng, Knax [rectius Enar] Nicolson of Hardywell, lawreit man of the samin, to be hwngin to this present charteir. Wrettin at Borravo in Yeall the iij day of Julij, the yeir of God aj Vc xxxix yeris, befoir thir witness, schir Jhon Mason, viccar of Fetloir, schir Dawid Farquhar, curat of Onst, Jhon Ballen, schyppar of ane Bremar schype, and Kenert Springar, merchand, with others diverss.
Thomas [mark] Gahal [rectius Hakat].
Johone [mark] Baller, schyp[er] in Borch waax.
Andro Tullacht.
William in Bowsta.
Enar in Hardiwll.
Transcript copied from Shetland Documents