
1561, February 22


King Frederick II of Denmark to the inhabitants of northern Iceland: proclaims that all inhabitants of Iceland shall only sell their sulfur to the royal merchant, and not to foreigners anymore.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.

Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet

Danske Kancelli, Tegnelser over alle Lande 6, f. 410r




Diplomatarium Islandicum 13:430 (after a transcript of Jón Sigurðsson in JS 493, 4to)

Kon. mts. obne breff til bønder oc menige almue for norden paa Island som efflher følger.

Wij Frederich thend anden etc. helsse etther alle wore tro wndersotte. bønder oc menige almue, som bygge oc boe for norden paa wort land Island. euindeligen mett gud oc wor naade. Wiider. at som elther witterligt er. at fremmede kiøbmend en tiid lang haffuer brugt then handel. som fald paa wort land Island met suoffuel. oc opkiøbt all thend suoffuell. ther wor at bekomme. oc ther som wij nogit ther aff til wort oc rigens nøtte haffue hafft behoff. maate wij thet aff thennom paa thet dyriste kiøbe. Tha efftherthij wij nw til wort oc rigens nøtte oc behoff selff behøffue samme suoffuel. agthe wij her effther selff forschreffne suoffuel handel at wille lade bruge oss oc wore riger til beste oc ther fore haffue afferdigit wor kiøbmand met wort skib tiid til landet. Thij bede wij etther alle oc huer serdelis biude, attj her eftther rette etther effther at handle mett forschreffne wor kiøbmand oc paa wore wegne for et skielligt werd vnder hannom saa møgit suoffuel. som i haffue at selge. Hand skall etther thet paa wore wegne betale mett gode ware. saa att thet icke skal were etthers skade. oc wille wij. attj aldelis inthet suoffuel selger eller j andre maade affhender nogen fremmede enthen aff stederne eller andre. vden the haffue wort breff oc tilladelsse, fordrister seg nogen aff etther tiil at selge eller affhende nogen suoffuel tiill nogen fremmede. vden wor wilge oc tilladelsse. tha wille wij ther offuer lade straffe som wed bør. huor effther j etther kunde wiide at rette etc. Datum Ribe thend xxij dag februarij aar etc. mdlxj.

Transcript copied from Diplomatarium Islandicum