
1564, November 28


King Frederick II of Denmark to Magnus Guldenstiernn: proposes to pay a debt of 4900 daler from a merchant from Danzig with seven lasts of Icelandic sulfur, and orders to acquire from him as many ropes for rigging as he can get.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.

Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet

Danske Kancelli, Tegnelser over alle Lande 8, ff. 163v-164r




Diplomatarium Islandicum 14:223 (after a transcript of Jón Sigurðsson in JS 493, 4to)

Her Magnus Guldenstiernn. statholder. fick ko. ma. breff saa liudenndis.

Frederich etc.

Wor synderlig gunst tilfornn. Wiider. att som i schriffue oss til och eblandt andet giffue tilkiende. att en kiøbmand aff Dantzick skall were ther wdj byen. som førdrer en suma pendinge wed 4900 daler. hand oss forstragt haffuer. och samme kiøbmand begerer ware vdj hans betalinge. och i therhos formelder. att ther skal were siuff lesther suauell. som er kommit fran Island for sønden. huilcke i for gott anseer att motte antuordis same kiøbmand vdj hans betalinge. tha effther thij wij icke befinde thett att were emodt thend handel mellom oss och the Løitzer siste sinde giortt er. bede wij etther oc begere. attj lader same kiøbmand følge forschreffne suouel och attj forhandler thett saa. att hannd thett anthager thett allerdyriste etther muligt er. och i ther vdinden wille rame wort gaffn. som wij etther tiltroer. Tisligiste att wij paa thett nye aff hannom motte fange saa møgit kabbelgarn. hamp oc anden deel. som wij til wore skiibe att vdrede behøffue. Wij wille hannom thett redeligen lade betale. och attj siiden wille tale mett wor amiral. oss elskelige Herloff Trolle. hure thett best oc oss gaffnligst kunde bestillis. att forschreffne ware mett thett første fran Dantzigk motte komme tilstede. thij i wiide selff huad magt oss ther paa liggendis er. Thermet giør i oss synderligen til wilge. Befalendis etc. Nyborg thend 28. Nouembris aar etc. 1564.

Transcript copied from Diplomatarium Islandicum