1589, September 12
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Flatto in Iceland on behalf of Carsten Bake from Bremen.
Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.
Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet
Særligt stillede landskaber og unionsriger: D 11 Island og Færøerne, Pakke 24 (Supplement II, no. 9)
One bifolio.
Seal fallen off, but still extant.
High German
On the back: D. Archiepiscopi intercessio pro Carsten Bakern umb die haffen Flattø. Anno etc. 89, 12 sept(embris). Hat progat(ion) auff 3 jahr bekomen.