
1597, April 18


The city council of Bremen declares that they have read the letter from the Danish king, in which he orders them to return the license for the harbour Stickingsholm, and reply that they will discuss the matter with the involved merchants in Iceland, and formulate an answer.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.


Bremen, Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Bremen

2-R.11.ff. (Akten der Islandfahrer)

One folio



Modern foliation in pencil 221.


High German

Note on the back: Recepische uff daß kon. Dan. schreiben. Datum 18 aprilis 1597.



Oldenburg, Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv

Best. 20, -25, no. 6

One bifolio



foliated 91 (second blank folio unfoliated)

clearly written


High German

Facsimile not (yet) available

Icelandic summary in Jónsson, Skrá um skjöl (there with wrong date).

Der kon. matt. zu Dennemarken unsers gnedigsten hern schreiben sub dato Copenhagen den 4. aprilis,1 hatt ein arbar rahdtt der stadtt Bremen unser gunstige heer mitt gebehrenden reverentz entfangen und ist darauff des underthenigen erbietens mitt den Ißlandrena die solch schreiben concernierett, zureden und nach ingenommen berichtt ihre kon. matt. ehister gelegenheitt in underthenicheitt zubeandtworten. Urkundtlich ist den botten dieß recepische mitt zuteilen befholen. Signatum Bremen den 18b aprilis anno etc. 97.

Transcript by Bart Holterman, 2017