


The Court Book of Shetland 1602-1604, containing records of law courts held at parish and country levels. Among others it concerns financial transactions of many German merchants in harbours around the country, cases of conflict between merchants and violence at trading sites.

Edinburgh, National Records of Scotland


Gordon Donaldson, The Court Book of Shetland, 1602-1604 (Edinburgh, 1954)

See also Gordon Donaldson, Shetland Life under Earl Patrick (Edinburgh, 1958); Shetland Documents 1580-1611, nos. 40, 41, 327.

p. 7


The court of the yle of Unst, halding be Mr Jhone Dischingtoun at Gairdie the x day of Julii 1602. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fenceit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.


p. 9

The quhilk day Herman Dicken, Dutche merchand att Uyeasound, hes dumlawit with Simoine a Clipagarthe for himselff and in name of the rest of the haill inhabitantis of the yle of Unst, specialie theis quha hes left him and byis and sellis with utheris, within quhat day thay and everie ane of them sall mak payment to him of thair haill debtis, wairis and uther thingis restand be them to him, quhais petitioun the juge and the essyse fand resonable and thairfoir ordanis everie ane within the said yle quha hes left the said Herman and byis and sellis with utheris to mak payment of all thair byrun debtis to him upoun just compt and rakning and that within the space of ane moneth, ilk persoun under the paine of ane dumra.


p. 11

The court of Yell, haldin be Mr Jhone Dischingtoun at Eawik the xvi day of Julii 1602. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fenceit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.


p. 12

Mid Yell


The quhilk day Herman Dicken, merchand at Uyeasound, dumlawit with Jhone Neippabak as for himselff and in name and behalff of the haill inhabitantis of the yle of Yell within quhat day thay and everie ane of them sould pay their restis and debtis awand be them bayth auld and new to the said Herman; quhais petitioun the juge and the essyse fand resonable and thairfoir decernit everie ane of them to pay all and quhatsumever debtis restand be them to the said Herman upoun the sycht of the said Hermanis compt buikis or exstractis thairof swa far as salbe provin or confest and that within the space of ane monethe, ilk persoun under the paine of ane dumraw.


p. 13

Southe Yell


It is tryit that William Damman, Dutcheman, bled James Osat abone the end within ane frie coupsta, and theirfoir is decernit to pay twyse xl s., and becaus James Osat is provin to have trublit the uther within the samin coupsta and dounraxterit and bled him on the knie is decernit to pay v merk and xl s. silver, under the paine of poynding.


p. 14

The quhilk day compeirit Herman Diken in jugment and inquirit Oirne Manisoun, merchand at Burravo, gife he had ony just caus to clame ony part of his debtis within the yllis of Yell and Fetlar or nocht, quhais answer wes that he could clame na part of his debtis within the saidis yllis nor yitt the compt buikis thairof and that he had nathing to lay to the said Hermanis cherge bott that thing quhilk wes alreddie comptit and raknit betwix them of auld, quhairupoun the said Herman askit act of court.


p. 15

The quhilk day, annent the clame of ane halff barrell butter acclamit be Elspett Kennedie fra Rankein Busing, Dutche merchand at Culyevo, compeirit William Ballentyne, hir procu[ra]tour, and desyrit payment thairof, compeirit the said Rankein and referrit himselff to his compt buik, quhilk being considderit ordanis the said Rankein to enter in compt and rakning with the said Elspett and produce his compt buik befoir Androw Edmistoun and the fold to that effect and mak payment thairof according as he salbe fund restand within the space of ane monethe, ilk persoun under the paine of ane dumra.


The court of the parochin of Normewing haldin be Mr Jhone Dischingtoun at Ylisbruche the xxi day of Julii 1602. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fensit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.


p. 16-17

The quhilk day comperit Orne Mair, Duche merchand at Gluss in Normewing, and exponit that he had remanit a lang space merschand at the said port and hes furnesit the haile commonis of the parochin of Normewing [with the helpe of Harie Skope, Inglisman]1 in all thair necessaris as use is, nochttheles a grete part of the commonis now abstractis thair waris and punniworthis fra him and giffis them to uther merschandis by thair accustomit use, quhairthrow he is nocht abill to remane langer amangis them; quhilk being exsponit to the scherefe deput, gentillmen and commonis of the haile parochin, they haife agreit and condiscendit with uther in maner following: that the saidis Orne [and Harie Skope merschandis]2 sall bring ane sufficient schipe yeirlie to his port of Gluss weile furnesit with gold, silver, mele, beir, hewkis, lynis, hempe, schune, yrne, larattis of all sortis, with all uther sort of waris for furnesing of the haile parochin in sic sort that my lordis haile fatt guidis and wattill may be coft and tane away be him yeirlie in dew tyme with all uther guidis and waris pertening to the said gentillmen and commonis and that he sall mak plesand furnesing to them in all thingis with sufficient wechtis and mesouris [and the said Harie Skoupe ... his place ... of befoir]3 under the pane of confiscatioun of his schipe and guidis, lyk as the saidis gentillmen and commonis ar straitlie bundin and oblist to bring in and sell thair haile fische, butter, oillie and uther waris yeirlie to the said Orne and to nane utheris merschandis or strangeris resortaris within the said boundis fra this furthe, ilk persoun under the pane of xl li.

And ordanis Symone Harratstay, Duchman, quha lyis in Gunyesettervo, to remove himselfe with his schipe and guidis to Papa in Waiss quhair he wes commandit be Arthour Sinclair of befoir and commandis and ordanis that nane within the parochin by or sell with him fra this furthe in maner abone writin, ilk persoun under the pane foirsaid.


p. 26

The court of the parochin of Dunrosnes, haldin be Mr. Jhone Dischingtoun at Soundbrughe the fyve day of August 1602. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fenceit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.


p. 27

Proceidis at Soundbrughe the saxt day of August 1602.


p. 28

Herman Sweman, Dutcheman at Laxfuird, for bleiding of Mareoun Ollawsdochter abone the end within hir awin hemefrie is decernit to pay twyse xl s. under the paine of poynding.


The quhilk day, annent the actioun and clame of ten aingel nobillis persewit be Lourence Tulloch in Skeldberrie in Northmawing aganis Dinneis Sueman, Dutcheman at Brahame, quha is outreikitt be Yaine Himmill, quha wes air to umquhill Court Mair, Dutche man, compeiris the said Lourence and produceit ane obligatioun maid be the said umquhill Court Mair to umquhill David Tulloche and his relict widow Gotherome and him upoun the saidis ten angellis in anno 78 yeiris subscryvit with the said Court Mairis awin hand, wretin in Dens, compeirit the said Dinneis and alledgit that he knew nocht thairof nor yitt is derect to pay the samin. Nochteless becaus the said Lourence gave his aithe in jugement that nather he nor nane of his ressaveit ony pairt of the said summe befoir and that the said Dioneis is outreikit be the said Yaine quha is air to the said Court, thairfoir the juge and the essyse decernis the said Yaine as air foirsaid and the said Dunneis, quom he hes outreikit, to mak payment thairof to the said Lourence within xv dayis under the paine of poynding, reserving actioun to the said Dinneis to call Garthe Himmill for his warrand as law leivis.


p. 30

Proceidis upoun the sevint day of August 1602.

Margret Thomsoun is found to have stollin sum fische of Herman Swemanis and thairfoir becaus it [is] said to be the first falt decernis hir to pay iiii merkis under the pane of poynding.


p. 31

The quhilk day William Bruce of Simbuster becumis actit cautioner for the entrie of Garthe Hemlein befoir my lord and his deputis at Skalloway-bankis the secund or thrid dayis of the lating court nixtocum to underly the law as airt and pairt of the slachter of Mathow Sinclair, under the paine of iᶜ lib., lyk as the said Garthe bindis and obleissis him to releife his cautioner foirsaid.

The court of Tingwall, Quhytnes, Weisdaill and Brassay, haldin be Mr. Jhone Dischingtoun at Skalloway-bankis the xii day of August 1602. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fencit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.


p. 33



It is tryit that Herman Sweman and James Leslie ilk ane trublit uther on the kingis hie way and drew swordis and bled Alexander Laxfurd and thairfoir ilk ane of them to pay for the trublance xl s. and for drawing thair swordis ilk ane of them to pay i merk and for bleiding of Alexander Laxfuird to pay xl s. betwix them under the paine of poynding.


Proceidis the xiii day of August 1602.


p. 34


Yaine Vantleis, skippair, is fund to have trublit ane callit Hil Mair, Dutcheman, upoun the Sabothe day, in ane frie coupsta, and thairfoir is decernit to pay thryse xl s., and the said Hil Mair for the doinraxterning of the said skippair and giffing him ane straik and thairfoir is decernit to pay ii merkis under the pain of poynding.


The lating court of Yeitland haldin be ane nobill and potent lord Patrik, erle of Orknay, lord Yeitland, and Mr Jhone Dischingtoun, his deput, at the castell of Skalloway-bankis the saxtein day of August 1602. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fenceit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.


p. 36

Proceidis upon the xix day.

Adame Sinclair protestit that Herman Sueman and his procurator sould preife the haile contentis of his lybell, lyk as the said William offerit to preife the samin as law levis.


p. 38

Proceidis upoun the twentie day of August 1602.


p. 39

Annent the accusatioun of Adame Sinclair of Brow upoun certaine crymis of opressioun and usurpatioun of the kingis auctoritie besydis sindrie uther wrekis and wrangis done be him to Hermane Sweman, Dutche merchand at Laxfuird, in the munethe of [...] last bypast, in the wrangous and violent intromissioun with the said Hermanis guidis and gere quhilk wes recoverit out of his brokin schipe quhilk perrichit at Sandwik in Dunrossnes at his awin hand and placing thairof in the kirk and uther houssis as pleisit him, taking af and putting on lokis thairupoun as his plesour, taking away and using of the saidis guidis to his awin use without the leife of the awner thairof, without ony commissioun of my lord, his deputis or fold of the parochin, haillelie provin in jugement aganis the said Adame, quhairinto the essyse takand consideratioun and trying him to have committit greit wrang and oppressioun thairinto thay all in ane voce decernis the said Adame with his haill movables guidis and gere in my lordis will thairfoir in exempill of utheris, reserving place to saisfie the partie.


p. 44

At Skalloway bankis the xxiiii of August 1602.4


p. 46

Annent the actioun and clame of ane barrell butter persewit be Yaine Hetman, Dutche merchand at the Ness, soine and air to umquhill Hetman Detmure, Dutche merchand at Brame, aganis Adame Sinclair of Brow, quhilk the said Adame was debtfull to his umquhill father, according to ane lating dume, under the subscriptioun of Androw Edmistoun, clerk for the tyme, compeirit the said Adame and alledgit that he wes incertaine quhidder he had ane discherge thairupoun or nocht, nochttheles in respect that thair is na discherge produceit decernis the said Adame to mak payment of the foirsaid barrell butter to the said Yaine or than the contrie pryces thairfoir, within the space of ane moneth, unles he produce ane sufficient discherge bearing his umquhill father to be payit thairof of befoir, under the paine of poynding.


p. 65

The scherefe and justice court of Nesting haldin be Mr Jhone Dischingtoun, scherefe deput of Yeitland, at Neipe the ix day of Juni 1603. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fensit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.


The quhilk day comperit Robert Tulloche, servitour, to answer Sinclair of Ayth as procuratour for Herman Ertman, Yaine Bramer and the rest of his mascoipe and dumlawit with James Suddirland in Quhailsay as for himselfe and in name of the parrocheneris and inhabitantis of Nesting, Lunesting, Quhailsay and the Skerreis within quhat day they and everrie ane of them sall pay all thair dettis and restis to the said Yaine Bramer and his partineris upoun just compt and raking [!], quhilk the essyse decernis to be done within the space of ane monethe, ilk persoun under the pane of ane dumraw.

The quhilk day comperit Herman Crousay, servitour and commisar for his master Herman Sueman and his partineris and and [!] dumlawit with William Foster in Quhailsay as for himselfe and in name of the rest of the haile parrocheneris and inhabitants of Nesting, Lunesting, Quhailsay and the Skerreis within quhat day they and everrie ane of them sall pay thair dettis and restis restand to the said Herman upoun just compt and rakning, quhilk is appoyntit to be done within the space of ane moneth, ilk persoun [...]


p. 74

The scherefe and justice court of Yell, haldin be Mr Jhone Dischingtoun at the buthe of Burravo the xxii day of Junii 1603. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fensit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.


The quhilk day it is statut and ordanit that the Dutchemen of the buithe of Burravo sall observe and keipe the last act and ordinance maid at the lating the last yeir annent their cannis, busmeris, barrellis and wechtis, and siclyk that thai sall observe and keipe the contentis of thair coupe bill this yeir, without ony brek of violatioun, fra this furthe, under the paine of confiscatioun of thair schipe and guidis.


p. 77

The court of Wais, Aithsting and Sandsting, haldin be Mr Jhone Dischingtoun at Twat the first day of Julii 1603. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fensit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.

p. 79


Aithsting and Sandsting.


p. 80

The quhilk day compeirit Robert Scollay in name and behalfe of Hermone Suemane, Dutche merchand at Laxfuird, and dumlawit with James Espleine as for himselff and [in] name of the haill commonis of Aithsting, Sandsting, Wais and Papay within quhat day thai and everie ane of them sould mak payment to him of all and quhatsumever thair debtis restand be ather of them to him upoun just compt and rakning; quhilk is ordanit to be doine within the space of ane moneth, ilk persoun under the paine of ane dumra.


p. 91

The lating court of the contrie of Yeitland haldin be Mr Jhone Dischingtoun, scherefe and justice deput of the contrie of Yeitland, at the castell of Skallowaybankis the xviii day of the moneth of Julii 1603, the suitis callit, the court lawfullie fensit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit, ordenand this court to be current all this ouk and forder induring the jugis will.


pp. 93-94

Proceidis upoun the xxi day of Julii 1603 yeiris.



Annent the actioun and caus persewit be Symone Hagarskale, indweller in the toun of Hambrughe, merchand at Gunyesettervo in Northmaving, aganis Orne Mair, Dutch merchand at Gluss in Northmaving, and haill parochineris of the said parochin for their entres, annent the titill and richt of the said port of Gungyesettervo alledgit disponit to him be gift and tollerance of umquhill Robert, erle of Orknay, of guid memorie induring all the said Symonis lyftyme according and in maner contenit in the said gift, produceit be the said Simone, of the dait at Noss in the yle of Brassay the aucht day of August the yeir of God iᵐ vᶜ four scoir twa yeiris: comperit Mr James Pitcarne, Jhone Mowat of Olaberrie, as procurators for the said Orne, merchand at Gluss, and siclyk for the commonis of Northmaving for thair entres, and produceit ane ordinance and dume pronuncit in ane scherefe court haldin at Ylsbrughe within the forsaid parochin of Nortmaving with consent of the forsaidis parochinaris bearing the said Orne Mair to be alreddie appoyntit merchand at Northmaving and to have the haile tred of the commonis thairof in maner contenit in the said ordinance, of the dait at Ylsbrughe the xxi day of Julii the yeir of God iᵐ viᶜ and twa yeiris5, and thairfoir alledgit that the said Orne aucht and sould have the place of the said port of Gungyesettervo and Gluss as he presentlie hes according to the said ordinance and that the said persewar sould have na place thairat be vertew of the alledgit gift forsaid be ressoun he had forfatt the samin be non residence at the said port and for nocht fulfilling the claussis and conditionis thairin contenit thir diverse and sindrie yeiris bygaine: quhilk alledganceis being considderit ordanis the said Orne Mair to keipe his port and tred of merchandice at the said parochin off Northmaving for this yeir according to his dume and ordinance forsaid and dischergis the said Symone Hagarskale and his sone Symone, yunger, of all trubling or molesting him thairinto be vertew of the said alledgit gift, quhilk now is annullit and dischargit to my lordis cuming to the contrie the nixt yeir to the effect he may gife and dispone the tollerance and place of the saif port to ony of the saidis parteis as he pleissis best.


pp. 94-95

Annent the actioun and caus persewit be Captane Thomas Knychtsoun aganis Yaine Hackman and Yaine Martfeild annent the summe of ane hundreth guidlingis as ane penaltie incurrit be Towras Sueman, Dutcheman, alias callit Diones Sueman, for the brek and violatioun of ane contract and appoyntment maid betwix the saidis capitaine and Towras annent the biging of ane buithe be the said capitaine upon the said Towras expenssis in the yle of Brassay in anno 1603 yeiris instant in maner contenit in the said contract, of the dait at Aithe the saxt day of September 1602 yeiris, and becaus it is sufficientlie tryit that the said captane hes maid greit expenssis and chergis in bigging the said buithe according to the tennour of the said contract and hes fulfillit the haile contentis thairof for his part, thairfoir the essyse all in ane voce decernis and ordanis the haile perteneris of the said Towras alias Diones Suemanis mascope, as also the dettis, guidis and gere thairof quhairever the samin can be apprehendit of this last yeir 1602, to outtred and pay to the said capitane the forsaid hundreth guidlingis for breking and violatioun of the said contract, and ordanis preceptis and executoriallis to be derect heirupoun in forme as efferis [and in the meintyme findis the said Yaine Hakman and Yaine Mertfeild to be frie of the said mascope the said yeir and sua absolvit of the said clame for thair partis for ever]6.


p. 100

Proceidis upoun the xxv day of Julii 1603 yeiris.


pp. 101-102

Compeirit William Ballentyne, procurator for Hermone Sueman, in the actioun and caus persewit be him aganis Adame Sinclair of Brow for his wrangous intromissioun with the guidis and gere pertening to the said Hermone, Dutche merchand, landit at Sandwik be storme of wodder, quhilk lyis in proces with Arthour Sinclair, havand commissioun to tak tryall thairinto, William Fermour, fold, and certaine honest men appoyntit thairto be vertew of the said commisioun, and desyrit the said Arthour to exhibeit and produce the testimoniall with his tryall thairinto and delyver the samin to the said Hermone for the discherge of his dewtie to his mascope, and thairupoun tuik act of court.


p. 102

The scherefe and justice court of the parochin of Tingwall, haldin be Mr Jhone Dischingtoun, scherefe and justice deput of Yeitland, at Skallowaybankis the xxvi day of Julii 1603, the suitis callit, the court lawfullie fensit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.


p. 103-105

The quhilk day compeirit William Ballentyne of Garsay with consent and assent of Edward Sinclair of Bulyeasetter, baithe personallie present before Mr Jhone Dischingtoun, scherefe deput of Orknay and Yeitland, and produceit the acquittance and discherge underwretin, desyring the samin to be incert and registrat in the scherefes buikis of Orknay and Yeitland ad perpetuam rei memoriam; quhais petitioun the said deput fand resonable and thairfoir ordanit the said discharge to be incert and registrat in the saidis buikis in maner as said is off the quhilk the tennour followis:

I, William Ballentyne of Garsay, principall taxman of the vicarages of Yell and Fetlar in Yeitland, be the tennour heiroff grantis me to have ressavit fra Edward Sinclair in Bulyeasetter, my taxman of the saidis twa vicarages, full compt, raknyng and compleit payment of the haile rentis, teindis greit and small, teindscheavis and uther teindis quhatsumever, of the saidis twa vicaragis, intromettit with and upliftit be him as takkisman thairo of the cropis and yeiris of God iᵐ vᶜ fourscoir saxteine, fourscoir sevintein and fourscoir auchteine yeiris be payment maid to me yeirlie be the said Edward of fourscoir fourteine angell nobillis sufficient gold and wecht to my contentment, haldand me weile content, thankfullie satisfeit and compleitlie payit, and thairfoir for me, my aris, executouris and assignayis, exoneris, quytclames and dischargis the said Edward thairof for now and ever, as also I, the said William, grantis me to have ressavit fra the said Edward thrie hundreth fiftie auld dolouris and ane ort of ane dolour restand be him to me of the payment of the wodmell of Yeitland sauld be him to my use as chalmerlaine thairto the yeir of God iᵐ vᶜ fourscoir fyfteine yeiris, quhairof I hald me lykwyse thankfullie payit as compleit payment of the said yeiris haill wadmell sauld be the said Edward as said is, and thairfoir dischergis him thairof for ever. Attour I, the said William, grantis me to have ressavid fra the said Edward thir summes particularlie following, to wit saxtein angell nobleis, ane half angell noble and ane dollour awand to me be Orne Nebebak in Burravo and that mascope, thretten angell nobleis awand to me be Elizabeth Kennedy and Hendry Forrester, four angell nobles and gund awand to me be Yaine Bankis (?) and fyve gund awand to me be Hendry Bremer, sevintein guidlingis, four schilling half schilling and ane gund awand to me be Yaine Mair, twa angell nobles and ane dollour awand to me be Androw Stewart, conforme to thair particular obligatiounis delyverit be me to the said Edward, quhairoff I hald me compleitlie peyit and thairfoir dischargis him and everrie ane of thame abonewrittin particularlie thairoff for evir, and forder grantis me to haiff ressavit fra the said Edward thir obligatiounis following, to wit ane obligatioun of Mr James Lawder off thre angell nobles and ane halff angell noble, ane obligatioun of James Lawder, his servand, of ane angell noble for the quhilk the said Mr James wes cautioun, ane obligatioun of William in Gardeis of ane angell noble of the rest of the wattell of fourscoir fourtein yeiris crope, ane obligatioun of Ramnikin Buisok of saxt guidlingis, ane obligatioun of Hermon Suemanis of twentie fyve angellis halff angell noble, ane obligatioun of Herman Gruning and that moscrope[!] of twa guidlingis and ane obligatioun of William of Skeldberrie of twell angellis; quhilkis obligatiounis I, the said William, delyverit to the said Edward in the yeir of God 1595 yeiris to halff bein craivit fra the saidis creditouris, quhairoff he gat na peyment, and therfoir at the making heirof hes delyverit me thame agane, quhilkis I grantis me to haiff ressavit fra the said Edward full compt, reckning and compleit payment of all and sindry his intromissioun with the saidis viccaradgis and fruitis thairof of all yeiris and termes preceiding thir presentis, as also compleit peyment of the soumes of gold and silver particularlie abonewrittin, obligatiounis forsaid and generallie of all writis, promissis, debtis and uther thingis quhatsumevir that I mycht ley to the said Edwardis charge befoir the dait of thir presentis, and thairfoir exoneris, quytclames and dischargis the said Edward, his airis and assigneyis, simpliciter thairof for me, my airis, executouris and assigneyis therof for evir, discharging all writis, obligatiounis and contractis quhatsumever that salbe fund in my keiping of the said Edwardis heirefter preceiding the daitis of thir presentis as faythles, noule and of nane effect in judgnent nor wthout and to be cancellit, reiffin and distroyit als oft as they sall happin to be fund, giff ony be. In witnes and for the mair securitie heiroff I, the said William Bannatyne, hes consentit that this my acquittance and discharge generall be insert and registrat in the schereffis buikis of Yetland and thair to remain in perpetuall memorie for evir, and to that effect constitutis my weilbelovit freind [...] to compeir befoir the said schereff and thair in my name to consent to the registring heiroff; promittendo de rato. In witnes heiroff I, the said William, hes subscryvit thir presentis with my awin hand at Scallowey bankis in Yeitland the ferd day of October the yeir 1601 yeiris beffoir thir witnesses: Andro Umphrey of Berry, Allexander Thomassoun in Laxfurd, Patrik Hog, burges of Kirkcaldie, and John Ross, maissoun in Scallowey.

Provyding this my discharge extend to na persoun nor personis bot to the said Edwardis awin persoun allanerlie and his airis, nor that nane quha hes intromettit with ony part or portioun off the said viccaragis abonewrittin or dewteis thairoff by the said Edward salbe claid under this discharge nor haiff na releiff of thair intromissioun be vertew of this discharge bot the said Edward allanerlie, nor that nane that hes ressavit ony of the said dollouris abonewrittin, gold and obligatiounis foirsaid, except Jhone Arnot, burges of Edinburgh, and that quhilk I haiff ressavit my selff, sall haiff ony releiff thairoff be this discharge bot sall remain comptable to me the said William for thair intromissiounis as I salbe able laufullie to charge thame. Subscryvit with my hand, dey, yeir and place and witnessis forsaid. Sic subscribitur: William Bannantyne of Gersey. Androw Umphrey of Berry, witnes. Patrik Hoge, witnes. Allexander Thomassoun, witnes. Johne Ross, witnes.


At Skalloway bankis the penult day of Julii 1603.

p. 106

The quhilk day compeirit William Uroving of Sabay, quha become actit cautioner and souertie for the entrie of Captaine Thomas Knychtsoun secund or thrid dayis of the lating court nixtocum of the contrie to underly the law for taking and apprehending of Yaine Heckman, Dutche merchand at Laxfurd, and warding him within the castell of Skalloway without ony power or commissioun, and that under the pane of vᶜ merkis, lyk as the said Captane Thomas Knychtsoun bindis and obleissis him, his landis, guidis and gere, to releife his cautioner forsaid. [Signed:] Wylyeame Irvyne of Sabay. Thomas Knychtsoun with my hand.


The scherefe and justice court haldin be Mr Jhone Dischingtoun at Skalloway bankis the v day of August 1603. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fensit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit.


Anent the accusatioun of Hermone Suemane for the trubling and persewing of Hermone Yurtman, servitour to Yaine Brahame, he passing fra Skalloway bankis to Laxfuird in peaciable maner with his maisteris fische and gere upoun the kingis hie wey, and for drawing of ane sword to him and presenting ane pistole aganis the actis of parliament, and siclyk for breking of waird, he being placeit within the castell of Skalloway for certaine innormiteis and crymes committit be him, without ony releife or cautioun fund, compeirit the said Hermone and passing fra all regour and extremitie of the law and in sa far as ather he had offendit to the kingis majestie or to my lord submittit himselff to be unlawit in his guidis and gere according to the jugis discretioun and to his offence, quhilk the juge acceptit for the tyme.

p. 107

At Skalloway bankis the vi day of August 1603.

The quhilk day in presens of William Uroving of Sabay, Captaine Thomas Knychtsoun, Hierome Umphray of Sand and Alexander Bruce, notar, compeirit Arthour Sinclair of Aithe and of his awin frie motive will, uncompellit or coactit, becumis actit cautioner and souertie in the scherefe and justice buikis of Yeitland for Hermone Sueman and Yaine Bramer, Dutche merchandis at Laxfuird within the contrie of Yeitland, that ather of them salbe hermeles and skaythles of uther alswele in thair awin personis as thair servandis, kippages, dependaris and all uther thair pertineris and doaris of ather of thair mascopis, and siclyk to be frie of all utheris that ather of the saidis parteis may stope or lat in all thair personis, guidis or gere fra this furthe within the said contrie of Yetland, under the paine of twa thousand merkis, that is to say ane thousand merk for ilk pairtie, lyk as the said Hermone Suemane and the said Yaine Bramer bindis and obleissis them be thir presentis with ather of thair schipis, guidis and gere, to keipe the said Arthour, thair cautioner forsaid, hermeles and skaythles annent the premissis. [Signed:] Arthur Sinclar of Ayth. Wylyeame Irvyne of Sabay as witnes. Captin Thomas Knychtson witnes. Jherom Umphray witnes. Alexander Bruce, notar, witnes. Hermane Sueman. Johan Brummer.


p. 119

The scherefe and justice court of Waiss, Aithsting and Sandsting, haldin be [...] Patrik, erle of Orknay, Lord Yeitland, at Sand the v day of Julii 1604 ...


p. 120


It is tryit and fund that Edward Mair, Dutchman, and Jhone Lumisdale hes trublit and bled utheris betwix the sie and the bankis in ane frie coupsta and thairfor ilk ane of them is decernit to pay thryse xl s. to the king.


p. 124

The scherefe and justice court of Normeving haldin be [...] Patrik, erle of Orknay, lord of Yeitland, at Ylisbruche the x day of Julii 1604 ...


pp. 124-125

The quhilk day Simone Hagerstay dumlawit with Magnus Ylsbruche as for himselff and in name and behalff of the haile inhabitantis of the parochin of Northmaving within quhat day thay and everie ane of them sould content and pay to him thair haile dettis and wairis restand be them to him; quhilk the juge and essyse fand resonable and thairfoir ordanit the samin to be done within ane xv dayis under the paine of poynding.


p. 144

7The lating court of the contrie of Yeitland, callit the principall and heid court thairof, haldin be ane nobill and potent lord, Patrik, erle of Orknay, lord Yeitland, justice generall and scherefe principall of the samin and bailyie principall of the regaliteis thairof, according to his enfeftmentis giffin to him thairof be the kingis majestie, [and Arthour Sinclair, his deput,]8 at the castell of Skalloway bankis the twentie day of August 1604. The suitis callit, the court lawfullie fensit, the essyse chosin, sworne and admittit. And this court is appoyntit to be current for the dayis of this ouk and forder induring my lordis guidwill and plesour.


p. 153

Proceidis the xx4 day of August 1604 at the castell of Skalloway. Arthour Sinclair deput.


[The quhilk day Magnus Dicken dumelawit with Arthour Sinclair of Ayth.]9

The quhilk day Magnus Dicken, sone to Hermone Dicken, Dutche merchand at Uyeasound, commissioner in that part for Diones Sueman, sumtyme merchand at Dunrosnes, and presentar of his compt buik, dumlawit with Arthour Sinclair as for himselff and in name and behalff of the said Diones dettouris and creditouris within the contrie of Yeitland within quhat day thay and everie ane of them, ilk ane for thair awin partis, according to the said Diones compt buik, quhairinto the essyse taking consideratioun and finding certaine personis alreddie assingnit to mak payment to Captane Thomas Knychtsoun of the summe of ane hundreth guidlingis out of the sais Diones dettis and guidis of his mascoupe for the bigging of ane buithe in Ayth in Brassay to him according to thair appoyntment and thairfoir decernis the personis assingnit in payment of the said summe to the said Captaine specialie incert in Yaine Hetmanis commissioun to mak payment thairof to him within xv dayis, under the paine of poynding, and the haile remanent dettis quhilkis sal happin to be fund restand to the said Diones ather be confessioun or probatioun or productioun of his compt buikis to be payit to the said Magnus Dicken, commissioner for the said Diones, to be careit hame to him within the space of ane moneth, under the paine of poynding.


Transcript copied from Donaldson 1954 (only the parts involving German merchants). The mentioned page numbers refer to this publication.