[folio 1r.]
Folowis Alexander Bruce his charge and intromissioun with the buttir scat and landmaillis of the cuntray of Yetland for the cropis and yeris of God JajVIc and four, 1605, 1606 and 1607 yeris, ressavit and intromettit with be him according to the rentell furth of the parochines following, at comand of Edward Scollay, sheref depute and chalmerlane of Yetland, the saidis yeris.
[folio 2r.]
Followis the comptars exoneratioun of the scat buttir and landmaillis ressavit be him for the crope 1604, conforme to the particulars befoir writtin.
And of sex lespund fyve d. butter pait and delyverit be Captain Thomas Knichtsoun to the said Edward Scollay for his scat and landmaills of Brassay, vj lespund v d.
And of ane barrell buttir restand in Aithe be the said Captain Thomas quhilk is frie to him conforme to his few chartour of the landis of Aithe, j barrell buttir.
And of the buttir and ulie1 delyverit and pait to Yeane Hackman, Duche merchant at Laxfurde, at command of the said Edward Scollay, extending to x barrell butter, j barrell ulie.
[folio 7r.]
2And of the landmaillis of Aithe, fewit frie to Captain Thomas Knichtsoun, extending to j barrell buttir.
3And of the scat butter and ulie sauld and delyverit to Lure Okilman and William Hords at the shereffs comand, as the discharge giffin thairupoun beiris, extending to x barrellis butter, ij barrellis ulie.
[folio 7v.]
And of the buttir and ulie delyverit to Symon Hagrasta, Duche merchant at Gunyesettervo, extending to x barrellis buttir, ij barrellis ulie.
And of the landmaillis of Seter in the handis of Arthour Sincler of Aithe, extending to vj lespund.
[folio 12r.]
4And of the landmaillis of Northlaxfurde, assignit to Alexander Thomassoun for service, extending to x lespund butter.
And of the buttir landmaillis of Southlaxfurde restand be him, extending to iiij lespund ½ lespund.
And of the butter landmaillis of Scalloway, in the tennentis handis thairof be way of excambioun, extending to ij lespund iiij d.
And of the scat butter and ulie sauld and delyverit to Yeane Hackman, Duche merchant at Laxfurde, extending to xvj barrell butter, iiij barrell ulie.
And of the landmaillis of Aithe, in the handis of Captain Thomas Knychtsoun, extending to j barrell butter.
[folio 12v.]
And of the buttir landmaillis restand5 in Burghe and Tronnasetter, extending to iiij d.
And of the butter and ulie delyverit to Orne Mair and Lure Okilman, Duche merchandis at Glus, extending to ix barrellis butter, j barrell ½ barrell ulie.
And of the butter landmaillis of Seter, in the handis of Arthour Sincler of Aithe be way of excambioun, extending to vj lespund.
[folio 13r.]
And of the landmaillis of Vo, restand for iij merk leyland thair, extending to j lespund ½ lespund butter.
And of the butter and ulie delyverit to Symon Hagrasta and Berne Lyning, Duche merchandis at Gunyessetter Vo, extending to ix barrellis butter, j barrell ½ barrell ulie.
[folio 20v.]
And of the butter landmaillis restand in Avisgarthe, alledgit to be mair nor the rentell aucht to beir, extending to j lespund v d.
And of the butter and ulie delyverit to Yeane Hackman, Duche merchant at Laxfurde, extending to xvj barrellis butter, iiij barrellis ulie.
And of the butter delyverit to Court Scheipe and the skipper of Laxfurde at the sherefs comand, extending to vj barrellis.
[folio 21r.]
Andof the buttir and ulie sauld and delyverit to Orne Mair and Lure Okilman, Duche merchantis at Glus, extending to ix barrellis butter, iiij barrellis ulie.
And of the buttir and ulie sauld and delyverit to Berne Lyning and Symon Hagrasta, Duche merchantis at Gunyesettervo, extending to ix barrellis butter, ij barrellis ulie.
And of the money pait to the said Symon and Berne for6 xij buchtis of lynis, bocht to my lordis use and send to Scalloway, price vj gulliounis, inde vij li. iiij s.
And of the money pait to Orne Mair and Lure Okilman for geir, coft from tham to my lordis use and send to Scalloway, extending to7 twentynyne8 gulliounis, inde xxxiiij li. xvj s.
[folio 39r.]
9 And of the wedmale landmaillis restand in Curkagarthe extending to iiij c.
And of the wedmale landmaillis restand in Ure extending to viij c.
And of the wedmale landmaillis of Futaburghe delyverit to Hew Keithe to be sum beting to the Hollander bark quhilk lay in Wais extending to ij c. ½ c.
And of the wedmale landmaillis restand in Uver Daill extending to iiij s.
And of fyve cuttell wedmale of the scat of Futaburghe delyverit to Hew Keithe quhen he was beiting the Hollander bark in Wais, v c.
Lateris ij pak ij s. iij c. ½ c., xiij d. leanger.
[folio 47r.]
Adhuc pait to Yeane Hackman Duche merchant at Laxfurde for certane wairis furnishit and delyverit to the sheref in my lordis name in anno 1606, threttie fyve gulliouns j s. ½ s., comptand xxiiij s. for every gullioun, inde xlij li. iij s.
[folio 48v.]
Item the comptar charges him selff with the unlawis decernit in the lawting court in anno 1607 quhairof the compter exoners him selff becaus he hes intromettit with nor collectit nane of thame fra ony of the personis decernit thairin conforme to the roll thairof, quhais names followis:
Olave Nicolsoun, j merk, he can nocht be found.
Helye in Uyea, j merk.
Orne Mair, Duche merchant at Glus, iiij merkis.
Lure Okilman, iiij merkis.
Mathew in Glus, iiij merkis.
Arthour Robertsoun, iiij merkis.
Andro Tulloch, iiij merkis.
Johne Broun, iiij merkis.
[folio 52v.]
And of the wattill of Northmaving crope 1607 delyverit be the commones to Symon Hagrasta and Orne Mair, Duche merchantis at Gunyessatter Vo and Glus extending to Jc x li.
And of the wattill restand in Northmaving for leyland extending to vij li. xj s. j d.
Summa Jc xvij li. xj s. j d. et sic eque.
Transcript by John Ballantyne