Kirkwall the 17th november 1666.
Act in favour of Adolph Westerman from Hamburgh contra Patrick Craigie marchand.1
Which day Patrick Craigie marchand being conveened upon a complant givin in by William Buchanan procurator for Adolph Westerman marchand in Hamburgh, annent 400lb exacted by the said Patrick from the said Adolph for excise for imported beer and strong watters in the yeeres 1659 and 1660, which the said William alleadged had been formerly payd by the said Adolph to Thomas Gelder or some other person which had power derived from the said Patrick. The said Patrick being personaly present, wes content that a judiciall Act should pass accordingly (viz) that iff the said Adolph Westerman or any haveing his power should before the first of August 1667, make it appeare before anyone or moe of the comissioners here within the countrey of Orkenay that be satisfied for the said excise from the first of June 1659 to the 23d of August 1660, and accordingly hes discharged by the said Thomas Gelder or some other person who had or hes any lauffull power legally deryved from himselff. That then in that case he shall be lyable to repay the forsaid four hundreth pound to the said Adolph Westerman or any haveing power from the said Adolph upon the saids comissioners their order, provided the said Patrick be laufully cited to heare probation led by production of the said comission by him, or ane extract therof to some person and their discharge conforme, which desire the comissioners present thought reasonable, and ordaines to pass into ane act and to have executions theirupon conforme.
Pa. Blair IPL.
- 1) In the margin.
Transcript by Bart Holterman