1549, December 29
King Christian III of Denmark to Hamburg: in response to a complaint of the Hamburg merchants with Iceland, states that he is generally favourable to their presence in Iceland, but they should remember that they can only do so by his special permission, that they should not stay in winter, and should obey the law of the land and the governor.
Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.
Hamburg, Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
111-1 (Senat), Cl. VII Lit. Kc No. 11, vol. 2 (Islandica 1535-1560)
Three bifolios
Modern foliation in pencil, 78-83
Seal pressed on the paper, f. 83v
High German
Note on the back: Receptum feria 6a post trium regium, responsum regis ad supplicationum Islandischfarer.
Facsimile not (yet) available
Hamburg, Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
111-1 (Senat), Cl. VII Lit. Kc No. 11, vol. 2 (Islandica 1535-1560)
Two bifolios
Dark stains from some kind of liquid on ff. 82-83
Modern foliation in pencil, 84-87
High German
Dated December 31
Facsimile not (yet) available