
1561, February 22


King Frederick II of Denmark to lawman Eggert Hanssen in northern Iceland: has written a letter to all Icelanders that they shall only sell their sulfur to the royal merchant, and not to foreigners anymore, and requests to implement these regulations.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.

Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet

Danske Kancelli, Tegnelser over alle Lande 6, ff. 410r-v




Diplomatarium Islandicum 13:431 (after a transcript of Jón Sigurðsson in JS 493 4to)

Eggert Hanssen. laugmand paa Island for norden fick breff som effther følger.

Frederich thend anden etc.

Vor gunst tilforn. Wiid at wij agte her effther selff at lade bruge all thend suoffuel handel. ther falder for norden paa wort land Island. oc icke wille tilstede nogen aff stederne eller andre fremmede thenom nogit ther met at befatte oc ther fore haffue ladet vdgaae wort obne breff til alle wore vndersotte ther sammestedzs.1 at the skulle handle mett wor kiøbmand. som wij thiid tiil landet forskickendis worder. oc tilføre hannom paa wore wegne saa møgen suoffuel. som the haffue at affhende. huilcket breff wij teg her hoss tilskicker. huar aff thu ydermere haffuer leiligheden at forfare. thij bede wij teg oc wiile. at thu strax mett thet allerførste lader forkynde samme wort breff oc siden haffuer flittig indseende met. at thet bliffuer wed magt holdet oc at thu tilholder almuen. at the handle mett forschreffne wor kiøbmand oc vnder hannom all thend suoffuel for et skielligt werd. the haffuer at aff lade. oc aldelis ingen suoffuel selger eller affhender til nogen fremmede vden the haflfue ther paa wort breff oc tilladelsse. Her wiid at rette theg effther etc. Datum Ribe thend xxij februarij aar etc. mdlxj.

Transcript copied from Diplomatarium Islandicum