This assyis filis and convictis the foirsaidis James Edmistoun and Johnne Blacader of arte and parte of the cuming be way of piracie to ane schip pertening to Segebundus Darkyn and Johnne Beling lyand for the tyme in Yetland upoun the last day of the moneth of Maij the yeir of God 1566 yeiris, quhilk schip had payit hir thoill to the foude of Schetland, traisting thairthrow na evill to have bene done to thame thai being induellaris of the toun of Breme, freindis and confiderattis of this realme, nevertheles thai with thair complicis, in manifest contempt bayth of God and oure soveraine and of the lawis bayth of God and man, reft and tuke fra thame xxiiij tunnis of meill and xij tunnis of drynking beir, togidder with all the merchandice thai had, and siclik reft and tuk fra thame thair cabillis and schip towis and ane new saill, and maist crewalie dang, hurt and woundit Lowdell Boumer, skipper of the said schip, skaithand thame thairthrow abone the valour of ane hundreth and fiftie dolouris; and als of arte and part of the crewale invasioun be way of piracie in cumpanye with George Fogo, William Sympsoun, Andro Berclay, umquhile Jacob Thomsoun, Inglisman, and thair complicis, commoun pirattis and sey revaris and thevis, of the crewale invasioun be way of piracie of Trodorik Fogane, induellar of the said toun of Breme, his schip and cumpanye being thairin, being lyand in Quhailsound within Yetland, and for arte and parte of the maisterfull reif fra thame of thre croce bowis with thair furnessing and pertinentis, twa litill sailis, xx barrellis of beir, foure litill gunnis, with thair haill victualling, extending be just eistimatioun to the valour of iijxx xviij dolouris and ane half, this thai did upoun the first day of Junij the yeir of God 1566. Item, of arte and parte of the piracie and maisterfull reif in cumpanie with the saidis commoun pirattis, sey revaris and thevis, fra Johnne Michelsoun, induellar of the said toun of Breme, furth of his schip lyand within Caulvik in Yetland for the tyme, of foure pecis of artaillierie callit barsis, with ane greit quantitie of powlder bullettis and utheris grayth perteining thairto, xxix barrellis of drynking beir, certane lynning clayth and utheris merchandice, togidder with fyve dolouris and ane half in money, and thair haill tacle, skaithand thame thairthrow iijxx xviij dolouris, and crewalie straik, dang and demaimit the skipper and marinaris of the said schip at thair plesour, this wes done be thame in the forsaid moneth of Junij. Item, of arte and parte of the crewale invasioun in cumpany with the foirsaidis pirattis, commoun thevis and sey revaris, of ane schip of Lubek, maister, skipper and marinaris being thairin, freindis and confiderattis of this realme, cumand furth of the soundis of Norway quhair ye [sic] awaytit upoun hir furthcuming, and thair be schot of gun and utherwyis at thair utter power persewit the said schip and men being thairin quhill thai be force ovircome hir, and tuke the said schip and gudis being thairin, quhilk be just estimatioun wes abone the sowme of 40,000 crownis of the sone, quhilk schip wes brocht thairwith unto the coist of Caithnes fornent Auldwik, quhair be the provisioun of God (quha will nocht suffire sic horribill and crewale murthouris to remane unpuneist) the said schip wes brokin and wraikit, and thai and certane thair complicis being thairin constrynit to cum on land, this wes done in the moneth of August the yeir of God foirsaid. Item, of arte and part of the piracie of divers schippis, perteining bayth to Franche and Duchemen, Flemingis, Densis, Hollenderis and utheris, confiderattis of this realme, in cumpany of George Fogo and his complicis, sey revaris and commoun thevis, as said is, and als of commoun piracie, sey reif and thift, fra thair passing furth of the havyn of Kirkcaldye in Apryle 1566 quhill the breking of the schip foirsaid, brokin at Caithnes in maner foirsaid, quhilk wes in August in the samin yeir of God.
For the quhilk thai wer adjugeit be the mouth of the dempster to be hangit on jibbet at the mercat croce of this burgh quhill thai wer deid, and all moveable gudis [escheat], etc.
Transcript copied from Shetland Documents