
1580, July 9


King Frederick II of Denmark to Hans Lindenov, commander of Bergenhus: has been informed that a citizen from Hamburg has traded illegally in the Faroes, and orders the Bergen citizen who currently has a license for the Faroese trade [Magnus Heinason] to take him prisoner and bring his ship to Bergen, where his case shall be judged upon.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.

Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet

Danske Kancelli, Norske Tegnelser (1572-1660) I, ff. 203v-204r




Norwegian summary in Norske Rigs-Registranter, copied with Faroese summary in Evensen, Savn til Føroyinga sögu no. 157.

Transcript not (yet) available