
1602 August


Copenhagen merchants with Iceland to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about Johan Holtgreve from Hamburg, who sailed as a Helsingør merchant to Spakonefeldshoved and from there to Botsand, and about Hamburg merchants in Watlose, who interfere with their business in Kibbelwick, Grindewick and Haneforde. Therefore, they had to send two of their four ships back to Denmark with great losses.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.

Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet

Særligt stillede landskaber og unionsriger: D 11 Island og Færøerne, Pakke 27 (Supplement II, no. 19)

Booklet of two bifolios.



Bound with a white thread.

Final version


On the back: Johan Holtgreffue, som er de Helsingøers borgeres kiøbsuend paa Island, udi Spokonefieldshøffd er indløben udi Kebelvig haffn, som wel er Ic uger søeß, fra den forne haffn, hand skulde løbe til. Oc giordt de Kiøbenhaffns borgere Kebelvigs indbiggere affpendig. Der fra er hand løben i Bosand, som ligger 1/2 mil fra Kebelvig, oc der ennd fogdens forbud kiøbslagett. Oc forsommett den haffn, hand skulde løbe til. Item er Cordt Weimer, med sex andre Hamborger, indløben i Watløß, der brugt kiøbmandschab, oc wist k. m. paß (vahnset same haffn Watløß, er udi 12 aar icke beseglett). Oc saa der med forderffuen de Kiøbenhaffns borger handelen i Kebelvig oc Grindvig. Her offuer erre to Kiøbinghaffns schib paa 180 lester, uden lading, (saa ner som paa en sare ringe ting) hiembkommen, dennom til stor skade.


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