
1661, August 23


Quittance of David Murray for Bremen merchant Herman Detken, for excise paid on salt which he imported to and used in Shetland, and for additional expenses in collecting the excises.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.


Bremen, Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Bremen

2-W.9.b.10 (Auslandsbeziehungen England)

One leaflet



All quittances (also the German versions) written by the same hand.

Modern foliation in pencil, 9.



Note on the back: Copie of David Murray his acquittance of salt accis to Herman Detken anno 1661 and in another hand Lit. A.



Bremen, Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Bremen

2-W.9.b.10 (Auslandsbeziehungen England)

One leaflet



All quittances (also the German versions) written by the same hand.

Modern foliation in pencil, 10.


High German


Scots original

Received from Herman Dicken the soume of one hundreth and tuentie nyne rexdollers and fourtie foure steuvers for the accise of one hundreth and seven barrells salt, made use of be him at Unst in Zetland, which extends (according to Linlithgow measure) to the foresaid soume by this my recept subscryved at Unst the 23th of august [??] VI [?] sixtie and one yeers. I say received 129 rexdollers and 44 steivers - David Murray.

Received from Herman Dicke the soume of sextein rexdollers and fifftie tuo steivers for necessarie expenses modified by the commissioners off the assessmen - David Murray.

Transcript of B1 by Bart Holterman, 2017.

German translation

Entpfangen von Harman Detken die summa von hundert neun undt zwantzig thalerß vier undt viertzig steuverß führ accis von 107 tunn saltz so er zu Unst gebrauchett hatt in Schetlandt welcheß betreffen thut (nach Linlithgouw maaß) wie oben gemeldet summa, durch diese mein empfangnuß untergeschrieben zu Unst den 23 augustii anno etc. 1661. Ich sage entpfangen 129 rd 22 steuverß - David Murray.

Entpfangen von Harman Detken die summa von sechßzehen reichßthalerß undt zwey undt funnftzig steuverß nothwendige unkosten, moderiret bey die commissarien - David Murray.

Transcript of B2 by Bart Holterman, 2017.