Naßwage; Nes(wog); Neschwage; Neß; Neß(wog); Nessewage; Neßewagenn; Neßvoge; Nessvogur; Neßwag; Neßwage; Neßwagen; Neßwagenn; Neßwaghen; Neßwog; Neßwoge; Nestwage; Nesvogur; Nesvög; Neswage; Neswagen; Neswog; Neswogur; Neswögur
Region/Country: Region/Land: Snæfellsnes, Iceland
Harbour on the Northern side of the Snæfellsnes peninsula in Iceland, near present-day Stykkishólmur, which was in use by Bremen merchants in the 16th century, until it was given to Oldenburg merchants in 1585. Bremen merchants acquired a license for nearby Stykkishólmur, after which the Oldenburg merchants protested because they considered it a part of Nesvogur. It is not totally clear which place is meant with Nesvogur. A bay south of Stykkishólmur is called Nesvogur, but seems to be unusable for larger ships. Southwest of the village is a small peninsula known as Búðanes (peninsula of the shops), on which ruins are visible which could have been former trading booths. This might also have been the original location of the harbour of Stykkishólmur, however.
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After 1645
Citizens of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for permission to trade with Iceland again, after the Danish king has given them toll exemptions in the Sound and in Norway, like the merchants of Holland, in 1645.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)