Displaying records 1 tobis 4 ofvon 4 Einträgen gezeigt
1582, January 18
Heinrich Salomon, Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne to prince-archbishop Henry III of Bremen: ask for help in protection against Hamburg competitors in the harbours Ost- and Horneforde, for which they have a license from the king.
1582, February 1
Heinrich Salomon, Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne to Bremen: complaint about the interference of Hamburg merchants in their business in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, for which they have a license.
1582, February 13
Hinrich Salomon, Dietrich Vasmer, and Evert Hoveman to king Frederick II of Denmark: complain about interference of Oldenburg and Hamburg in the harbour Neswage in Iceland, and ask for protection of their rights there.
Transcript available
1585, November 20
Henrich Salomon, Christoffer Meyer, Johan Koster, Vasmer Bake, Everdt Hoveman and Friedrich Koster to Bremen: request for a license to use the harbours Neswage and Grindeforde in Iceland, after prince-archbishop Henry III of Bremen, who had held the previous license, died. Since Bremen merchants had a long tradition of sailing to these harbours, they would like the license back.
Displaying records 1 tobis 4 ofvon 4 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)