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1588, January 18
Instruction for Bremen counsellor Heinrich Bredelo and secretary Heinrich Houck, who were sent to the Danish king to discuss the problem of Bremen merchants losing their licenses for harbours in Iceland to Hamburg and Oldenburg merchants. Therefore, it is asked to secure the four remaining harbours Ostforde, Bodenstede, Flattoh and Watlose for Bremen merchants, and to request new licenses for Stickingsholm and Elleroh to compensate for the lost harbours.
1594, August 27
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about interference of Bremen merchant Hans Honne in Neswage, where he supposedly destroyed the Oldenburg booths and built his own, and interfered with the trade of Oldenburg skipper Claus Koch when he arrived there. The first part of the letter concerns the Oldenburg possession of the land of Jever.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)