You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Cordt Hemelinck
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1558, February 7
Lawyer Dirick van Minden to [Bremen]: answer to the complaint against his client Gerdt Breker by Brun Oldenburg and Johan Beling about the death of Cordt Hemeling in Shetland, in which he explains the circumstances that led to Hemeling's death. It was the rude behaviour of Hemeling himself that led to a fight on the ship, in which he was hit among others by Breker, and fell down. However, it cannot be proven that it was these events that led to his death, as he acted normally afterwards for 10 or 12 days, before he was found dead in his bunk. As Breker had no other choice than to confess, the obligation was forced upon him and therefore, it is pleaded to be declared null and void.
Transcript available
1558, March 7
Lawyer Dirick van Minden to [Bremen]: rejoinder to the replication of Dirick Wittinck, lawyer of Johan Beling and Brun Oldenburg, against his client Gerdt Breker in the case about the death of Cordt Hemeling on Shetland, in which he repeats that it cannot be proven that Hemeling died as a result of the injuries inflicted upon him by Breker, and that he was forced by the situation to oblige himself to Beling and Oldenburg.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)