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1591, between December 12 and 29
Representative of the Hamburg merchants with Bernforde to the Danish Council of the Realm: reply to complaints from the Bremen representative in the conflict about the use of the harbour Ostforde/Bernforde in Iceland, in which he states that although the Bremen merchants have a license for Ostforde, this refers to a quarter of the entire land and not to a specific harbour like Bernforde.
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1602, September 13
Cordt Weimar, Hans von Hutlen, Herman Weimar, Jurgen Jordan, Heinrich Eggers, Gise Kopman and Heinrich Ort to Hamburg: state that they had a valid license for the harbour Watlose in Iceland and had been using the harbour for a long time, as can be confirmed by the Icelandic officials.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)