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Overview of the harbours in Iceland in use in the years 1584-1592.
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1588, January 18
Instruction for Bremen counsellor Heinrich Bredelo and secretary Heinrich Houck, who were sent to the Danish king to discuss the problem of Bremen merchants losing their licenses for harbours in Iceland to Hamburg and Oldenburg merchants. Therefore, it is asked to secure the four remaining harbours Ostforde, Bodenstede, Flattoh and Watlose for Bremen merchants, and to request new licenses for Stickingsholm and Elleroh to compensate for the lost harbours.
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1589, September 6
Bremen merchants with Iceland to Otto von Duringen, dean of the Bremen cathedral chapter: request for mediation with the Danish king for renewal of the licenses to use the harbours Ostforde, Bodenstede, Flatto, and Watlose, if possible for eight years. The previous licenses were given by the deceased king Frederik II for four years in 1586.
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1590, October 14
Instruction for Bremen secretary Daniel Bisterfeldt, who is sent to the Danish court because Marten Losekanne was mistakingly given a license for the harbour Wapenforde in Iceland, which is already in use by Daniel Elers from Hamburg, instead of Ostforde, regardless of a previous request to correct this error. Bisterfeldt will ask to change the license, and request a new license for Klevesohe in Lon, which has not been used before, on behalf of Friedrich Tilebare.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)