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1532, August 23
Lutke Schmidt to Hamburg: reply to the complaint of English merchants, in which he tells his version of the events in Iceland in 1532, when he arrived on March 30 with a ship in Botsand, and was visited by Thomas Hammon from Harwich, and the day after by Jon Willer from Lynn, who attacked him both.
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1532, September 7
Hamburg to king Henry VIII of England: state that they have heard from the Hanseatic Kontor in London about the complaints of merchants from Lynn and Harwich about damage inflicted to them by Lutke Schmidt from Hamburg in Iceland, and state that the English merchants have caused the conflict themselves by their unruly behaviour. Moreover, Lutke Schmidt has declared to be prepared to let a law court decide upon this, which should happen at the court of the Danish king, since Iceland belongs to him.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)