You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Niclas Saucke
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1704, August 29
Burgomaster and city council of Stade issue a sea pass for the ship Fortuna of 24 lasts, on behalf of shipowner Niclas Saucke, with skipper Marten Schnelle, for a journey from the Schwinge to a harbour in Shetland with salt, tobacco, corn brandy, iron pipkins and other commodities, on which journey Saucke will sail along, but is not sure if the season and the weather will permit him to come back again.
1704, September 2
Swedish governor-general Nicolaus Gyldenstern issues a sea pass for the ship Fortuna of 24 lasts, on behalf of shipowner Niclas Saucke, with skipper Marten Schnelle, for a journey from the Schwinge to a harbour in Shetland.
[1705, March]
Nicolaus Sauke to the Swedish governor-general in Stade: request for a sea pass for his ship Fortuna of 24 lasts, under command of skipper Hans Carsten, for a journey to Shetland with salt, beer, brandy, ryemeal and other commodities, and back with fish and other commodities, although he might stay in Shetland for trading reasons.
1705, March 27
Burgomaster and city council of Stade issue a sea pass on behalf of Niclas Saucke, for the ship Fortuna of 24 lasts, under command of skipper Hans Karsten, for a journey from the Schwinge to a harbour in Shetland with salt, beer, brandy, ryemeal and other commodities and back with fish and other merchandise. Sauke sails along and might stay in Shetland for trading reasons.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)