You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Steffan Loytz
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1561, June 28
King Frederick II of Denmark grants Stefan Loitz and his family the monopoly to trade sulfur from the North of Iceland for twelve years starting 1562, on the condition that they bring it to Copenhagen first and export nothing else than sulfur, for an annual payment of 3000 Rhenish guilders.
1564, December 3
Stettin (Szczecin)
Stefan Loitz to king Frederick II of Denmark: complains that he cannot pay the expected tolls for the Icelandic sulfur trade, because the demand is falling due to the opening of sulfur mines in Germany. The letter also treats other dealings with the Danish king.
1564, December 4
Stettin (Szczecin)
Stefan Loitz to Johan Rantzau, governour of Holstein: complains that he has trouble paying the 60.000 daler for the Icelandic sulfur trade, because he cannot sell a barrel of sulfur for 30 daler, as was promised, but only 22 or 24.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)