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1581, October 14
Clawes Stein to archbishop Henry III of Bremen: request for intercession with the Danish king in acquiring a license for thirty years for the harbour Schagevorde in the North, or Bereforde in the East of Iceland, which are currently not in use.
1589, May
Peter Lutkens, Peter Kruse and Paul Cordes to Hamburg: a previous request for a license for the harbour Bereforde in Iceland was not granted, because the Council of the Realm did not meet. Now the license is requested again, including an extension to the neighbouring harbour Dupwage, which has been used by Bremen merchants.
1589, May 12
Hamburg to the Danish council of the Realm: request for a license to use the harbour Bereforde in Iceland on behalf of Peter Lutkens, Peter Kruse, and Paul Cordes, and a license for the harbour Dupwage, which will become free this year.
before 1598, June 20
Joachim Menges to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Bereforde in Iceland, on behalf of Jacob Fincken from Flensburg, who was merchant in the service of the deceased Hamburg merchant Daniel Elers, who held the previous license. Also a request to write to England for measures against Welshman Peter Maar, who interfered with their business in Iceland.
1598, June 20
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Jacob Fincken from Flensburg to trade with the harbour Bereforde in Iceland, which was formerly used by the deceased Daniel Elers from Hamburg, for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
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