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Daniel Elers to the Danish council of the Realm: complains about how he received a license for the harbour Bernforde in Iceland, but was hindered by Bremen merchant Marten Losekanne, who acquired a license for Wapenforde, but changed the name to Ostforde, which he claims to be the same harbour as Bernforde.
Transcript available
1591, November 14
Bremen's instruction for the secretary Daniel Bisterfeldt, who is sent to discuss the matter about the rightful use of the harbour Ostforde/Bernforde, in which it is stated that it can be proven that Marten Losekanne and his predecessors have rightfully used the harbour under the name Ostforde for decades, and that it is therefore not true that they have changed a license for Wapenforde to the invented name Ostforde, as Hamburg merchant Daniel Elers claims.
before 1598, June 20
Joachim Menges to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Bereforde in Iceland, on behalf of Jacob Fincken from Flensburg, who was merchant in the service of the deceased Hamburg merchant Daniel Elers, who held the previous license. Also a request to write to England for measures against Welshman Peter Maar, who interfered with their business in Iceland.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)