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1524, June 23 - August 23
[Lübeck, Copenhagen]
Diary of Gert Krudup and Hans Ebbrecht, eldermen of the Hanseatic Kontor in Bergen, as well as their secretary Erasmus Boddecker, of their journey from Lübeck to Copenhagen, where they visited the Diet during which King Frederick I was crowned, and where the privileges in Bergen were negotiated.
Transcript available
1602, September 13
Cordt Weimar, Hans von Hutlen, Herman Weimar, Jurgen Jordan, Heinrich Eggers, Gise Kopman and Heinrich Ort to Hamburg: state that they had a valid license for the harbour Watlose in Iceland and had been using the harbour for a long time, as can be confirmed by the Icelandic officials.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)