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[1576, after February 13]
Bernd Losekanne to [Bremen]: final plea against Christoffer Meyer, in which he explains that three of his trading partners mutinied against him in Iceland, and although he had the right as skipper to expel the mutineers from the company, they conspired against him, so that he was forced to leave the company and fit out a ship himself. That being the case, he has as much right as his former trading partners to use the harbour Ostforde, especially since the trade with Iceland has been freed from restrictions, but if they really insist on prohibiting him to use the Ostforde, they themselves are not welcome in Roderforde, the harbour he used last year.
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1576, February 6
Bernd Losekanne to [Bremen]: defense against accusations of Christoffer Meyer and his partners, that he has interfered with their business in Iceland, even though the Bremen city council forbade this a year earlier. Losekanne states that this is not the case, as Iceland is free to trade in for anyone, Icelanders are free to trade with many merchants, and he has only traded with people who were still indebted to him.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)