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[1524, August]
King Frederick I of Denmark confirms the Hanseatic privileges in Bergen, and allows the Icelandic trade for German merchants, but not the direct trade with Shetland and the Faroes.
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[Late 1524 or early 1525]
Report of Corneille Double, secretary of the exiled King Christian II of Denmark, about the crimes of Joachim Wollenweuer, who was enfeoffed with the Faroes in 1520, against the royal authorities on the islands in the years after his enfeoffment had expired, and the attempt to arrest him in the town of Veere.
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1534, March 6
Thomas Koppen to Eske Bille, commander of Bergenhus: sends him a copy of his enfeoffment with the Faroes, and asks not to send a ship there to his detriment. Moreover, he sends him two barrels of Hamburg beer and a cake for his wife, as well as news about the political situation in Denmark and Germany.
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1534, March 15
Gotschalck van Alefelde to Eske Bilde, commander in Bergenhus: as the late King Frederick I of Denmark has given the Faroes to his secretary Thomas Koppen as a fief for his services, he asks to see that no merchants from Bergen will sail there and hinder his business.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)