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1498, April 5
Eldermen of the Hanseatic Kontor in Bergen to the representatives of the Hanseatic cities gathered in Lübeck: complaint about the commercial activity of two Bremen ships in Shetland in 1494, and how after the governor of Bergen had confiscated commodities of one of them, he had to release these after letters sent by the Duke of Holstein and the Count of Oldenburg.
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1535, January 29
Count Christopher of Oldenburg to Hamburg: writes that the Danish king has given Iceland to Marx Meyer, and that the Hamburg merchants should therefore oblige him or his brother Bernd, whom he has sent as governour, and no one else.
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Account book of the Oldenburg merchants trading with Iceland, containing a list of collected capital from the shipowners and merchants, directions and expenses for brewing beer, and hire amounts for the crew. Four loose leaves contain older accounts, among others for the purchase and equipment of a ship.
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1597, July 25
Olafur Einarson, Eriker Tostenson, and Dadde Jonson confess that they have heard Osser Ingemundarson complain about bad flour he bought in Kumbaravogur from Harmen Kloppenburg from Oldenburg, and ask governour Johan Bockholt to prevent such flour from being sold.
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1600, December 30
The city council of Bremen testifies, that Carsten Bake appeared before them and complained about how lawman Jon Jonsson in Snæfellsnes forced him to use a new weight which was lighter than the old one, and forbade him to ship commodities out of Iceland. Moreover, as many animals died in Iceland last year, this brought him great damage. The story is (partly) confirmed under oath by four other merchants with Iceland.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)