You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Ostfordsussel
Displaying records 1 tobis 4 ofvon 4 Einträgen gezeigt
1589, September 6
Bremen merchants with Iceland to Bremen: request for mediation in renewing their licenses for Icelandic harbours: Marten Losekanne in Ostforde, Johan Hudeman in Bodenstede, Carsten Bake in Flatto, and Johan Schroder in Wattlose, plus a license for Neswage on behalf of Evert Hoveman, which is currently owned by Oldenburg but where there has not been a ship last year.
1590, October 14
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: repeated request to change the name for the license of Wapenforde in Iceland to Ostforde, on behalf of Martin Losekanne. Also a new request for a license for Klevesohe in Lon on behalf of Friedrich Tilebare. The harbour has not been used before, but its inhabitants have been trading with the Bremen merchants in Ostforde.
1591, December
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: asks on behalf of Bremen merchants to protect their interests in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland and to forbid the Hamburg merchants from sailing there.
1598, December 9
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, on behalf of Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, and Johann Reinekens widow.
Displaying records 1 tobis 4 ofvon 4 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)