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1560, February 12
Lawyer Dirick van Minden to [Bremen]: surrejoinder and final plea to the rejoinder of Gerdt Hemeling against his client Gerdt Breker in the case about the death of Cordt Hemeling in Shetland, in which he repeats that Breker should not be convicted of manslaughter, and asks the council to decide whether statute 101 is valid here, since both parties are citizens of Bremen.
1577, May 3
King Frederick II of Denmark declares, that he has renewed the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, which was given to Bernd Losekanne before but who has misbehaved, on behalf of Bremen merchant Christoffer Meyer.
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List of harbours in Iceland for which licenses have been issued to merchants from Stade, Bremen, Wilster and Oldenburg, in the years 1576-1585.
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1588, January 18
Instruction for Bremen counsellor Heinrich Bredelo and secretary Heinrich Houck, who were sent to the Danish king to discuss the problem of Bremen merchants losing their licenses for harbours in Iceland to Hamburg and Oldenburg merchants. Therefore, it is asked to secure the four remaining harbours Ostforde, Bodenstede, Flattoh and Watlose for Bremen merchants, and to request new licenses for Stickingsholm and Elleroh to compensate for the lost harbours.
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Summary of the petitions and complaints of Hamburg and Bremen merchants regarding the conflict between Daniel Elers from Hamburg and Marten Losekanne from Bremen about the harbours Ostforde and Bernforde in Iceland.
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Testimonies of Icelanders Halgrimur Niklasson, who claims that his father was bailiff in Ostfordsyssel and has never heard of a harbour called Ostforde, and Torsten Tusteson, who claims that when he was in the region, he heard that Bremen merchants were trading in Dupwage in Bernforde.
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1591, November 14
Bremen's instruction for the secretary Daniel Bisterfeldt, who is sent to discuss the matter about the rightful use of the harbour Ostforde/Bernforde, in which it is stated that it can be proven that Marten Losekanne and his predecessors have rightfully used the harbour under the name Ostforde for decades, and that it is therefore not true that they have changed a license for Wapenforde to the invented name Ostforde, as Hamburg merchant Daniel Elers claims.
1591, December
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: asks on behalf of Bremen merchants to protect their interests in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland and to forbid the Hamburg merchants from sailing there.
1591, December 5
Marten Losekanne and Johan Oldenbuttel to prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen: complain that they have used the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for over 80 years, and now Daniel Elers from Hamburg has received a license for the harbour Bernforde, which is in fact the same harbour, and ask for mediation at the Danish court.
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