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1561, February 28
Lübeck to king Frederick II of Denmark: complaint against the prohibition to trade sulfur from the North of Iceland, which damages the Hanseatic merchants and cities.
Transcript available
1602, September 13
Cordt Weimar, Hans von Hutlen, Herman Weimar, Jurgen Jordan, Heinrich Eggers, Gise Kopman and Heinrich Ort to Hamburg: state that they had a valid license for the harbour Watlose in Iceland and had been using the harbour for a long time, as can be confirmed by the Icelandic officials.
1604, March 12
Merchants wo used to sail to Iceland to Hamburg: request for mediation with the Danish king to be allowed to sail one ship to Iceland to collect the goods, debts, and booths that are still on the island, or to transport these on a Danish ship, because they still have many outstanding debts on Iceland.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)