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Complaints of the Hanseatic Kontor in Bergen, collected for the negotiations with the Danish king in Oslo, in which the direct trade of Hamburg, Bremen and Holland with Iceland, Shetland and the Faroes is presented as the main reason for the Kontor's demise.
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[1524, August]
King Frederick I of Denmark confirms the Hanseatic privileges in Bergen, and allows the Icelandic trade for German merchants, but not the direct trade with Shetland and the Faroes.
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1532, September 10
Eldermen of the Hanseatic Kontor in London to Hamburg: Thomas Cromwell has complained about attacks of Hamburg and Bremen merchants on the ship of English merchant Nicolas Gybson in the harbour Grindewick, whereby they killed 15 men on board and confiscated the ship. It is demanded that Hamburg settles the matter with Cromwell, in order not to endanger the Kontor's position in England.
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1533, June 30
The bishops of Skálholt and Hólar, the governour and two lawmen of Iceland, seven skippers from Hamburg and Bremen and English merchants testify that it was decided at Althing that German merchants can leave the commodities that they donot sell in Iceland, are not allowed to stay in winter except in the case of shipwreck or of boys who want to learn the language, and the weights and measures to be used are specified.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)