Scots original
To all and sindrie quhais knawlege thir present letteris of testimoniall sell to cum, me Olave Sinclair of Haweray, chalmerlane and heyd fold of the cuntre of Yetland, wissith weilfair in the lord and incressing of fayth. Sen it is commandit in boith the lawis devyne and humane, us to bair trew record and witnessing unto the veritie, sua that through the conseling thairof the innocent ma incur na damnage hurt nor detryment, thairfor I declair, affermis and testifeis be thir presentis, lyk as it is cleirlie testifeit and knawin to the haill cuntrey of Yetland, that in the moneth of august or thairby, in the yeir of god Im Vc fyftie and sevin yeiris ane honest and famos marcheand callit Court Helnyng, Ducheman, being lyand with his schip and gudis in ane sound of Yetland callit Quhailsaysound, usand his dew trafik and frequentatione of marcheandrictz lykas utheris his cuntreymen usit for the present. At the quhilk tym Garth Braker, Ducheman, servand and marenar to the said Court Helnyng, be evill temptatione and perverst mynd sett one the said Court Helnyng his maister, and crewaly slew him within his awin schip. And in te meyntym he being serchit and socht for commytting of the said slauchter be me the said Olave Sinclair, as heyd superior of the cuntrey for the tyme, to haf execut justice upone him for the samyn, eftir grett solistatione, wirking and laubouris maid be the freyndis and favouraris of the said Garth Brekar at the handis of Garth Helnyng, bruther germane to the said Court, quha wes party persewar for the slauchter of his said bruther, the said Garth Helnyng, eftir gret avysment taking be him thairintill, wes content to tak and accept certane personis souerteis and borrowis for the said Gartht Brekar, of the quhilkis ther names followis, that is to say Bronne Oldinburgh, Jehane Beling, Oltman Ayck, Harmon Myddildrop and Jehane Eldybraucht. Quhilkis personis becom souerteis and borrowis befoir me, and oblist thame faithfullie and thair landis and guidis for the said Garth Brekar, that he suld mak full satisfactione and assythment for the said slauchter in conform to the lawis of ther cuntrey.
And this I declair and testifeis to all quhome it concernis, be thir my letteris testimoniall delivering the samyn, and gevin under my proper seall. At Brow in Yetland the saxth day of September the yeir of god Im Vc fyftie and nyne yeiris.
Transcript of B1, taken from Shetland Documents, 2017