
1591, before December 20


Daniel Elers and Hamburg merchants in Bernforde in Iceland to the Danish Council of the Realm: complaint about their fellow citizen Joachim Warneke, who traded illegally in Bernforde and bought train oil there. Therefore, their support in requested in acquiring compensation of the train oil.

Created for and published on the HANSdoc website of the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, by Bart Holterman in the context of the research project Between the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea: interdisciplinary Studies of the Hanse. Licensed CC BY.

Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet

Særligt stillede landskaber og unionsriger: D 11 Island og Færøerne, Pakke 26 (Supplement II, no. 16)

One bifolio.



High German

Note on the back: Der Hamburger supplication worauff die die begerten schreiben erlanget. Sub dato Copenhagen 20 decembris anno etc. 91.


Transcript not (yet) available