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1575, August 6
Eirikur Arnason states, that he has bought a barrel of iron (osemund) from Bernd Losekanne in Dupwage in Iceland, and left it there to collect it later, and that a piece of wadmal, which he left at the trading site, was not intended for Losekanne but for a Hamburg merchant named Matthias.
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1576, February 6
Bernd Losekanne to [Bremen]: defense against accusations of Christoffer Meyer and his partners, that he has interfered with their business in Iceland, even though the Bremen city council forbade this a year earlier. Losekanne states that this is not the case, as Iceland is free to trade in for anyone, Icelanders are free to trade with many merchants, and he has only traded with people who were still indebted to him.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)