King Hans (John) of Denmark
Hans; Johann van gotsgnaden; Johans; king Hans; King John; kong Hanss; Koning Hanszes; Konning Hanses; konnung Hanses
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Transcript available
1483, February 1
Members of the Danish and Norwegian Council of the Realm choose Hans, the son of Christian I, as their king, who promises to comply to a set of regulations, among others not to allow Hanseatic merchants to trade in Iceland.
Transcript available
1490, March 28
King John of Denmark and Norway allows merchants from cities in Holland to trade in Bergen, Iceland and Shetland, under the same conditions as the merchants from the German Hansa.
Transcript available
1513, June 18
Report of Hamburg secretary Johann Reinken about the negotiations of Hanseatic cities with Denmark in Copenhagen, in which among others the King and the Council of the Realm state that Bremen and Hamburg are only allowed to trade in Iceland if they bring the fish to England.
Transcript available
1529, November 28
King Frederick I of Denmark to Eski Bilde, commander of Bergenhus: writes that he has given the Faroes to Thomes Koppen from Hamburg as a fief, under the same levies as in king Hans' time, and asks not to hinder him.
Transcript available
1531, May 19
Archbishop Olaf of Trondheim to Eske Bille, commander of Bergenhus: announces that he can not come to the meeting with the king in Copenhagen because of a large fire in Trondheim, and sends his points for the agenda, including complaints about Hamburg merchants in Iceland and the Faroes.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)