Count John VII of Oldenburg
graf; graf Johan; graf von Oldenburgk; grafen von Oldenburg; graff Johan; graven von Oldenburgh; Johan; Johan graf zu Oldenburg; Johan graff zue Oldenburg; Johan graffen; Johan graffen zu Oldenburg; Johan graffen zu Oldenburgk; Johan graffn zu Oldenburgk; Johan graven zu Oldenburg; Johan greffue udi Oldenborg; Johann; Johann grafen zu Oldenburg; Johann graff; Johann graff zu Oldenburg; Johann graffn zu Oldenburg; John of Oldenburg; John VII
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1579, October 29
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Frederik II of Denmark: request to use the harbour Kumbaravogur on Iceland, on behalf of Joachim Kolling.
Transcript available
1580, April 6
Joachim Kolling to count John VII of Oldenburg: states that he has prepared a ship to sail to Kummerwage in Iceland, freighted it for the value of 1500 daler, and hired a crew and a skipper from Bremen, Roleff Gerdes, who also owns part of the ship. However, the Bremen city council forbade the latter to sail with him. Kolling argues that Bremen had no right to do this, and requests free passage and freedom of operation.
Transcript available
1580, April 8
Count John VII of Oldenburg to Bremen: request to grant Joachim Kolling, from the land of Jever, free passage and to not hinder him in his plans to sail to Iceland.
Transcript available
1580, April 14
Bremen to Count John VII of Oldenburg: relate how the deceased Johan Munsterman, who has used the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland for many years, has suffered great damage, and if the king had known this at the time, he would never have issued a new license to Joachim Kolling, who is now complaining about hindrance of Bremen in his plans to sail there. Therefore, it is asked that the use of the harbour is left to Munsterman's widow and companions, who are in great distress.
Transcript available
1580, November 16
Joachim Kolling declares, that he has received a license to use the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland from the king of Denmark with help from count John VII of Oldenburg, and that he has fitted out a ship together with 16 ship owners, and will behave like an honest merchant.
Transcript available
Overview of the harbours in Iceland in use in the years 1584-1592.
Transcript available
Anonymous letter to Count John VII of Oldenburg: short notices, among others about some people who are willing to sell their share in the ship used for the Icelandic trade. There will be 3 or 4 parts available, each for about 10 daler, of which the care for the ship will cost about 60 or 70 daler.
1585, February 13
Count John VII of Oldenburg to the Danish king: Joachim Kolling, who had the license for the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland, has proved to be unreliable. Therefore, the count requests a renewal for the harbour on his own name, including the harbours Neswage and Grundeforde, as well as a prohibition for the Bremen skipper Bruning Nagel, who sailed for the archbishop of Bremen to both harbours.
1585, March 18
King Frederik II of Denmark permits count John VII of Oldenburg to trade with the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland until further notice, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1585, March 18
King Frederik II of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: the request for prolonged use of the harbour Kummerwage is granted. The harbours Neswage and Grundeforde, however, have already been given to the archbishop of Bremen, but will be given to Oldenburg when they will become available.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)