Herloff Trolle
Harloff Trolle zu Herloffsholm; Herleff Tralle; Herlof Trolde; Herloff Trolde; Herloff Troll; Herloff Trolle
Danish admiral and royal councillor
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1561, June 28
King Frederick II of Denmark grants Stefan Loitz and his family the monopoly to trade sulfur from the North of Iceland for twelve years starting 1562, on the condition that they bring it to Copenhagen first and export nothing else than sulfur, for an annual payment of 3000 Rhenish guilders.
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1563, September 29
King Frederick II of Denmark renews the sulfur monopoly on behalf of Stefan Loitz, which had led to problems before. The king will form a company for 7 years with the Loitz family, which will send two ships annually to Iceland for sulfur, for which Loitz will provide the merchandise. In return, they will give the king a loan of 60000 daler for 3 years, and the sulfur that was confiscated in Hamburg will be returned to them.
1564, August 11
Marcus Heine, servant of the Loitz family, to Hieronimus Tenner, German chancellor in Denmark: asks to lower the amount paid to the king for sulfur exported from Iceland, because it is impossible to get sulfur from Iceland in large amounts, and the price is lowering due to the opening of new sulfur mines in Krakow and Goslar. Also about other themes, including the theft of a load of cannonballs by the Swedes, which was destined for Denmark.
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1564, November 28
King Frederick II of Denmark to Magnus Guldenstiernn: proposes to pay a debt of 4900 daler from a merchant from Danzig with seven lasts of Icelandic sulfur, and orders to acquire from him as many ropes for rigging as he can get.
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1565, March 4
King Frederick II of Denmark to Magnus Guldenstiern: asks among others to conceal the royal sulfur reserves from Stefan Loitz, to grant the royal sulfur refinerer a license for a harbour in Iceland, and informs that he has ordered the royal merchant Hans Nielsen to acquire a ship in Rostock, Lübeck or Hamburg.
1565, March 23
Counselors Magnus Guldenstern, Johan Friis, Birge Trolde, and Herlof Trolde to king Frederick II of Denmark: because of the request of Hamburg merchants to use certain harbours in Iceland, governour Paul Stigsen has compiled a list of harbours in use.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)