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1532, May 16
Robbert Legghe and other English merchants testify that they have paid skipper Lutken Schmidt and his merchants from Hamburg compensation for the damage inflicted upon them in the harbour of Botsand in Iceland.
Transcript available
[1533, February]
Summary of the damages inflicted by merchants from Hamburg and Bremen upon the English in Iceland, as presented by the English representative Thomas Lee during negotiations with Hamburg.
Transcript available
1545, June 30
Althing decides in the conflict between Hamburg merchants and governor Otte Stigsson, and confirms the rules for foreign traders in Iceland as set out in the Píningsdomur, including that foreign merchants shall not sell fishing boats to Icelanders, are not allowed to stay in winter, and weights shall not be used to calculate the value of fish.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)