You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Eirikur Arnason
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1567, August 21
Eirikur Arnason confesses that he has set the trade (kaupsetning) in Ostforde with Bernd Losekanne, skipper and merchant, and Reineken Strotman, merchant, and their folk, who had a license from Peter Withfeld, and that the merchants in the Wapenforde have behaved themselves badly.
1568, January 30
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: repeated complaint about Hamburg merchants, who have a license to trade in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, but which Bremen merchants have used for more than 60 years, and request to keep using the harbour.
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1575, August 6
Eirikur Arnason states, that he has bought a barrel of iron (osemund) from Bernd Losekanne in Dupwage in Iceland, and left it there to collect it later, and that a piece of wadmal, which he left at the trading site, was not intended for Losekanne but for a Hamburg merchant named Matthias.
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