You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Hans Hughe
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Note about Hamburg merchant Hans Hughe who came to the harbour Reff in Iceland on May 23, and found out that an English merchant from Harwich had bought the fish destined for him.
Summary of the case of Hans Hughe in Iceland, who was using the harbour Reff, but was hindered by a ship from Harwich, which was lying in Grundeforde, but bought all Hughe's fish, who therefore stole much of the English ship's equipment.
Transcript available
[1533, February]
Detailed summary of the damages inflicted by the Germans to English ships in Iceland, with sums of the claims indicated, as presented by the English representative Thomas Lee during negotiations with Hamburg.
Transcript available
1533, February 22
Defenses of Lutke Smidt and Hans Hughe from Hamburg, about the violent events involving them and English merchants in Iceland the previous year, where Smidt got into a conflict with Robert Legghe about the use of the harbour Bussand, and Hughe about an amount of fish with a certain Roland in Gammelwick.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)