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1563, February 24
Stettin (Szczecin)
Simon Loitz and Hans Loitz the Elder and the Younger to king Frederick II of Denmark: in response to the king's complain that Stefan Loitz did not pay the 3000 guilders in return for his monopoly on the Icelandic sulfur trade, it is claimed that the king violated the conditions as well by stopping their ships in Hamburg and sending two ships to Iceland himself last year.
1564, August 11
Marcus Heine, servant of the Loitz family, to Hieronimus Tenner, German chancellor in Denmark: asks to lower the amount paid to the king for sulfur exported from Iceland, because it is impossible to get sulfur from Iceland in large amounts, and the price is lowering due to the opening of new sulfur mines in Krakow and Goslar. Also about other themes, including the theft of a load of cannonballs by the Swedes, which was destined for Denmark.
Transcript available
1564, December 4
King Frederick II of Denmark announces that the Hamburg merchants who have used the harbour Hofsos in Iceland have brought bad merchandise, and therefore grants permisison to merchant Hans Nielsen to sail there instead.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)